Swinford Notes – 26th November 2014
Swinford Tri-Sport Duathlon Swinford Trisports Club will be holding a fun duathlon on Saturday 28th November and they would like invite anyone wishing to try a one to come along and give it a go. The duathlon involves a 16km cycle and a 5km run and is open to all abilities. Sign up at the Amenity Park, Swinford at 2pm. The event is free to members and €2 for non-members. For further details contact Louis on 087 6741191 Swinford...
Swinford Notes – 5th November 2014
Killasser Group Water Scheme – Urgent Notice An urgent meeting of shareholders of Killasser group water scheme will be held in Killasser Community Centre tonight (Wednesday 5th November) at 8pm. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the difficult financial constraints facing the scheme and to agree a funding scheme to allow the scheme to remain a viable service going forward. This is an extremely important meeting and a...
Swinford Church Broadcasts Daily Mass Live Online
Swinford Parish Church, Our Lady, Help of Christians, has started broadcasting mass live online every weekday at 10 am, Saturday 10 am and 6.30 pm and Sunday 9am and 12 Midday. This is a flexible service that allows you to log on at http://churchservices.tv/swinford and watch live or watch a pre-recorded mass from the previous week. The aim of the initiative is to create an accessible and user friendly service for the people...
Siamsa Seipeil Welcomes Paul Brady to Swinford on Friday August 1st
Siamsa Seipeil is delighted to welcome Paul Brady, singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist to Swinford. Fresh from his historic performance in the Royal Albert Hall, this is a unique opportunity to see a world class artist in the intimate venue that is Swinford Church. Paul Brady crosses musical boundaries, incorporating folk, rock, blues traditional Irish & classic pop styles into his songwriting. His live...