Swinford Notes – 31st December 2014
Christmas Fundraising Table Quiz There will be a Christmas Table Quiz in aid of Mayo Women’s Support Services and the Swinford Christmas Crib outside Glebe House, this Friday 2nd January at 9:30pm in the Gateway Hotel. Table of 4 costs €30. Please come along and test your brain cells after all the Christmas festivities! Your support would be greatly appreciated. Let’s Get Walking Together The Mayo Branch of Arthritis Ireland is...
Swinford Notes – 24th December 2014
Christmas Lights and Nativity Crib Everyone is welcomed to visit the Christmas lights and Nativity Crib display at Vincent O’Briens House, Laughtadurcan, Meelick. Follow directions from Meelick Church. All donations equally divided between Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and the Mayo Roscommon Hospice. Contact 087 6830314 for further information. Charity 5k Fun Run Pat and Siobhan O’Neill in conjunction with Swinford Athletics Club are...
Swinford Notes – 17th December 2014
Swinford & District Credit Union AGM The Annual General Meeting of Swinford & District Credit Union will take place tonight (Wednesday 17th December) at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel All members are invited to attend and a reminder that the members draw for a Toyota Yaris and various cash prizes will also be held on the night. Killasser Community Centre Fundraising Social The Committee of the Killasser Community Centre are holding...
Swinford Notes – 10th December 2014
Barnacogue National School Christmas Disco Following on from their very successful Halloween Disco, Barnacogue National School are hosting a Children’s Christmas Disco in the school hall on Friday 12th December from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Santa will be a special guest on the night and everyone is welcome. Admission is €5 and this includes a gift from Santa. If you would like any further details, you can contact the school on 094...
Swinford Notes – 3rd December 2014
Aras Attracta Afternoon Tea Party An afternoon tea party will be held this afternoon (Wednesday 3rd December) at 4pm in the Gateway Hotel in aid of the ‘Family and Friends of Aras Attracta’. The Coleman School of Irish Dance will give a short exhibition at 4:30pm. So please come along and enjoy some tea/coffee and a treat for €5. Killasser Community Centre AGM The Annual General Meeting of Killasser Community Centre will be held...