Swinford Literary Festival
Friday Nov. 23rd to Sunday Nov. 24th
Swinford’s Inaugural Literary Festival takes place over the weekend of the 23-24 November, 2019. Swinford250 celebrates and aims to enhance the cultural life of Swinford and the wider surrounding areas. This is a new and accessible festival for adults and children and is focused on the literary arts – Fiction, Non-Fiction and Poetry and will be experienced through readings, workshops and performances.
Appearing at the Inaugural Swinford Literary Festival will be:
• Pat McCarrick who will launch his new photographic version of the famous book ‘The Windings of The Moy’ by James
Greer (1923). This new version depicts the River Moy from its source in South Sligo to its eventual meeting with the
Atlantic Ocean at Killala Co. Mayo. This event takes place at 8pm on Sat 23rd of November in the Gateway Hotel,
• Workshops include ‘A Beginners Guide to Writing a Book’, with published Swinford author, Nick Burrill, at 12pm on
Sun 24th of November in the Swinford Library. This will be followed by ‘A Conversation’ with renowned local fictional
author Vincent McDonnell at 1pm.
• Sunday at 3pm there will be a panel discussion with local published historians, Michael Comer, Micheál Murphy,
Bernard O’Hara and Jack Foley where they will discuss their own published works and the social and local history of
Swinford. This event takes place in the Gateway Hotel.
• The Festival will conclude at 7pm in The Gateway Hotel with a performance showcasing Poetry, Short Stories, Music
and An Seanchai.
We are extremely proud that all festival events are free of charge. The festival is being organised by Swinford 250 & More and supported by Mayo.ie and local businesses. We would like to welcome visitors from near and far to join us for this inaugural event. For more information on the various events please visit http://www.swinford.ie/250-celebrations/ and our Facebook Page
Swinford 250 and more.
Contact: swinford250@swinford.ie
For further info please call 087-6857266
Barnacogue N.S. Swinford
Baby & Toddler Group
Our baby & toddler group commences on Monday 25th November & runs every Monday from 9.30am to 11.00am in the school hall.
Lots of great stories, toys, activities, crafts & fun! Come along for a chat & a cuppa.
Contact 094 9367440 for further information.
Befriending Programme.
Mayo North East are looking for volunteers to befriend 3 Syrian families in Swinford. The volunteers will assist the families in home management and social activities. Two people will visit the families for 1-2 hours a week at a time that suits the families. Volunteers will be required to take part in an interview, Garda vetting and 2 training sessions. Volunteers must be over 18.
If you are interested please contact Patricia Crawley on 087 2135960 or email patriciacrawley@mayonortheast.com
Swinford Go Getters
Swinford Go Getters are a social activities club for over 55’s who meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We play a variety of games including Boccia, bucket ball and parachute games. We also play skittles, ball and bean bag games which are part of the Go for Life Games designed to provide gentle exercise. You decide what you enjoy and you can try a variety of games or stick to one, it’s up to you. From time we add new games and are open to suggestions and new ideas. All games are designed to be played sitting or standing.
We are always looking for new members and if you would like to help out in any way, we would be happy to meet you. Just come along to any of our games mornings or call us on 087 904 9723
The following are dates for the rest of 2019 to be held at Swinford Cultural Centre from 10.30 to 12.30 Admission €3 Refreshments served :-
Thursday 12th December Special Christmas event with our very popular tombola, music, dance and much more.
Swinford Agricultural Show Table Quiz
There will be a table quiz in aid of Swinford Agricultural Show Society on Friday the 22nd of November at 9.30pm in the Gateway Hotel. There will be a raffle on the night with some fantastic prize’s on offer!
Swinford and District Gardening Club
Swinford and District Gardening Club will present a Christmas Floral Demonstration, by award winning Florist Judy Roche of Balla Flowers, in aid of Swinford Down Syndrome Regional Centre Project. It will take place in the Gateway Hotel Swinford at 8pm on Tuesday 3rd December. Ticket €10. Contact 0876206607. Please support this worthy cause.
Heartfulness, Relaxation and Meditation
Heartfulness, Relaxation and Meditation takes place on Monday 18th November 2019 at 7pm in the Parochial House Swinford. Free and open to all over 16 years.
Contact 086 0700681 if you require further information.
Swinford Golf Club
Results 17th Nov
Gents 14 Hole Stableford
1st John Sheahan 35pts
2nd Keith Howley 35pts
Swinford Comhaltas
The November Thursday Night Sessions (9-30pm) are as follows
Thursday 21st Sheepwalk
Thursday 28th Gateway Hotel
Swinford GAA
This weeks draw was held in Quinns and Darragh Ruane, Cloonacool won €477
Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks.
Next weeks draw is on November 26th in The Sheepwalk. Draw envelopes available for €2 each or 3 for €5
Swinford GAA EGM
Swinford GAA EGM will be in the Gateway Hotel on Sunday 8th December at 6pm. There are a number of officer roles and executive positions to be filled. Please contact the club secretary at secretary.swinford.mayo@gaa.ie for a nomination form and closing date for nominations is the 7th December.
Major Event
Swinford GAA Development Fundraiser Fun Day in Julians, Midfield on Sunday 1st December 2pm with massive auction, Bazaar, medal presentation and launch of the 2020 GAA calendar and lots lots more.
Swinford Community Lotto
No result at time of Publishing
Swinford Cultural Centre
Events and classses that will be held in Swinford Cultural Centre this coming week are as follows.
THURSDAY 21st: 1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby-Bums & Tums
3.30pm-8pm-Morrison Ballet
8.15pm-9.15pm-Pat Kirby-Yoga
FRIDAY 22nd: 9am-11am- Slimway
SATURDAY 23rd: 10am-5pm-ECM Dance
MONDAY 25th: 1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby-Yogalates
7.30pm-8.30pm-Pat Kirby-Candlelight Yogalates
TUESDAY 26th: 4pm-5pm-Jiving Juniors
WEDNESDAY 27th: 4pm-8pm-Giggles Drama Group
8pm-10pm- Active Minds
For further event details about booking a room contact: (094) 9052006/087-4007045
Yogalates & Bums & Tums
2 Yogalates Classes Run Every Monday In The Cultural Centre Swinford.
First at 1pm Lunchtime Yogalates, this is a 45 minute Class. The second is Yogalates By Candlelight at 7pm and runs for 1 Hour. Both Classes are For Beginners so join anytime and Classes are Pay As You Go. We start with Yoga Poses so you can start To Heal and Breathe Then Pilates For Strengthening Your Core, then we move on To Stretching To Renew Your Muscles and Help with Posture and Finish with Relaxation. Please Bring your own Mat, Blanket and Cushion. This is Good For Chronic Conditions, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, High Blood Pressure & Fatigue To name a few. For further Information please Contact Ros on 0872617309
Bums & Tums in The Cultural Centre every Thursday Lunchtime at 1pm. A 45 min Class To Strengthen and Stretch Those Problem errors and help tone and scuplt your Body. Classes Run Throughout The Summer Join anytime, Pay As You Go. For further information Please Contact Ros on 0872617309.
Craobh Eo Mayo Woodturners
Are you thinking of taking up a new hobby, but not sure what? Have you an interest in woodturning? Craobh Eo are the Mayo chapter of the Irish Woodturners Guild. We meet every 2nd Thursday at the old schoolhouse in Aughamore at 8pm. Our membership is comprised of people of all ages and from all walks of life. New members would be most welcome. For more info visit www.craobheowoodturners.com
If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday afternoon. Thank You.