Swinford Weekly Notes April 12th
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
The Annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt at Brabazon Woodlands in Swinford takes place on Easter Sunday at 2pm sharp. This is now the 7th annual Easter Egg hunt in Swinford and it would not be possible without our generous sponsors Joe Mellett – Melletts Newsagency, Derek Kennedy – Eurospar, Sean Gavigan – Mace, Corrib Oil – Swinford, Applegreen – Swinford, Kevin Murtagh – Taxi and volunteers on the day.
Social Dancing and Dance Classses
Social dancing and dance classes take place every Sunday night in Bohola Community Centre from 8pm to 10pm. Beginners are welcome. Jive, Waltz, quick step andmore. Learning for the first hour following by a dance afterwards. Contact Frank on 087 9809432.
Camino for Hospice
Mayo Roscommon Hospice have orgnaised an information evening on the Camino Walk in Bosh Bar Castlebar (upstairs) on Wednesday April 12th at 8.45pm. Contact 094 9388666 for more information.
Swinford Golf Club Card Game Results
Results from 6th April
Winners shared 1st and 2nd were Francie Rowley Val Hyland John Gallagher Brian McNulty 3rd Virginia Heeran Chris Heeran.
Spots were won by Gerry Ronayne Brian Rowley Brian McNulty John Gallagher
Raffle prizes were won by Eileen Geraghty Mary Doyle Annie McNeela
Call out for Actors/Actresses
A production team will be filming a docudrama in Swinford Courthouse on the 10/11/12 May and are looking for extras to appear in a court scene. This is paid work.
Any one interested should e-mail Mairead at westcoastcastingireland@gmail.com
Please include:
A recent photo
Full costume sizes
Contact details
Acting experience
any other information you think might be relevant
Please include “Swinford” in the subject bar of your e-mail.
There will be an open casting in Swinford, (date to follow) and any successful applicants will need to come for a costume fitting.
Swinford Football Club
Swinford FC Club Crest
Wednesday 12th April 7pm
Under 15 Boys Division 3 Manulla B v Swinford
Friday 14th April 6.30pm
Under 13 Boys Division 1 Swinford v Fahy Rovers
Saturday 15th April 2pm
Under 15 Boys Division 3 Castlebar Celtic C v Swinford
Swinford GAA Fixtures
Thursday 13th April 6-30pm Under 16 Round 1 Swinford v Burrishoole at Robert McCallion memorial Park
Friday 14th April 6-30pm
Senior League Div 1E Round 2 Eastern Gaels v Swinford in Brickens
Sunday 16th April 12pm
Senior League Div1C Round 2 Castlebar Mitchels v Swinford in Munnelly Park
Tuesday 18th April 6-30pm
Under 16 Div 3 Round 5 Parke v Swinford in Parke
Thursday 20th April 6-30pm
Under 14 Round 4 Swinford v Naomh Padraig
Friday 21st April 6-30pm
Under 16 Round 6 Swinford v Hollymount-Carramore
Saturday 22nd April 7pm
Senior League Div 1E Round 3 Swinford v Hollymount-Carramore
Sunday 23rd April 2pm
Senior League Div 1C Round 3 Lahardane v Swinford
Sunday 23rd April
Under 14 Div 3B Round 3 Kilmeena v Swinford
Any changes will be on our facebook page and swinfordgaa.ie
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
This week’s 50/50 draw held in Sheepwalk Bar was worth €569 and was won by Cathy Gawley of Aclare. The next Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw will take place in Horkans on Tuesday 18th April.
Draw envelopes are widely available in Swinford’s shops and businesses at €2 each or 3 for €5.
You can also get your tickets online through the Swinford GAA store where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10, 20, or 52 weeks.Your continued support is greatly appreciated and who knows next week you could be the lucky winner!
Swinford Athletic Club
The 50/50 draw was held after training at the Amenity Park and congratulations to the winner Cathal McNicholas, Kiltimagh.
Draws will be held every Tuesday, where one lucky person will take half the jackpot home. Tickets are for sale from all club officers and cost €2 for one ticket and 3 for €5. All income from the draw will be used for the future development of facilities at the club
The 2017 Spring Series schedule:
Wednesday 12th April Cloontia 6km,
Wednesday 19th April Midfield 5km,
Wednesday 26th April Straide 5km,
Wednesday 3rd May Callow 6km and
Wednesday 10th May Foxford 5km.
All runs start at 7.15pm. Registration from 6.45pm at the various Community Centres. Entry Fee: €2 Members, €5 Non-Members. All U12’s must be accompanied. After Run Refreshments. Everybody Welcome to Walk, Run or Jog and Enjoy
Any queries contact: Marty Roughneen 087 4188042, Padraic Walsh 086 8738691 or Peter Hynes 087 9014211
Inclusion Ireland Information Sessions
Inclusion Ireland is pleased to provide a series of information sessions on assisted decision making and practical advocacy supports.
Who should attend? parents, siblings, friends and carers of children and adults with intellectual disability in Mayo and neighbouring counties.
Wednesday 12th April 2017:
Venue: Swinford Cultural Centre (Meeting Room), Station Road, Swinford, Co. Mayo.
Cost: Attendance is free. To register interest or for more information call Noirin 083 8236126 or Inclusion Ireland: 01 8559891. E: admin@inclusionireland.ie
Tea/coffee and an opportunity to network with other family members
Additional information will be available at the session
SATURDAY 6 MAY 2017. 11am-1.30pm. Swinford Cultural Centre (Meeting Room)
Introduction to advocacy – Nóirín Clancy & Mary Lee, Inclusion Ireland
The Role of the National Advocacy Service – Clare O’Neill, National Advocacy Service.
SATURDAY 10 JUNE 2017 – 11am-1.30pm Swinford Cultural Centre (Meeting Room)
Advocacy Skills for Families -Noirin Clancy & Mary Lee, Inclusion Ireland
Family Advocacy Supports – Speaker t.b.c.
Great Irish Bake
Management and staff in Tesco would like to thank everyone who supported the Great Irish Bake in aid of Temple Street Childrens Childrens Hospital. Thanks to their generosity, €1230 was raised in Swinford. Money will be used to buy equipment for the Ear, Nose and Throat Department.
Swinford Drama Group
Are currently in rehearsals in Swinford Courthouse for their production of “The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley” by Jimmy Keary.
Jam Bands Mayo
Will be in Swinford Cultural centre on Tuesday 18th April 4pm to 6pm and every other Tuesday until June 6th. New faces welcome. Check out their Facebook page Jam Bands Mayo or call 094 9041013 for further details.
B – Fit Swinford
Fitness classes take place in Swinford Community Centre on Monday 8-30pm – 9-30pm and Wednesday 8pm – 9pm, €5 pay as you go. Contact Alan 087 2397225/ Declan 087 672541
An Evening with Brendan Grace
Swinford Cultural Centre is delighted to announce.
“An Evening with Brendan Grace”
On Friday, April 28th at 8pm.
Tickets are priced at €30 and are on sale from The Mayo County Council Office, Station Road, Swinford.
Brendan Grace is a well known Irish comedian and singer who is celebrating 40 years in the entertainment business. He is known for his comedy schoolboy character “Bottler”, and also for his appearance in the sitcom “Fr. Ted” as Fr. Fintan Stack.
For further details
Contact: Swinford Cultural Centre by phone or email.
Tel: 094 9052006
Mobile: 087 4007045
Email: sccbookings@mayococo.ie
Swinford Cultural Centre
This week’s timetable in The Cultural Centre and Meeting room is as follows.
All in Cultural Centre unless stated.
THURSDAY 13th: 1pm-2pm- Pat Kirby Fitness- Bums and Tums.
8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
FRIDAY 14th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
SUNDAY 16th: 10am-2pm-Cake Sale- Swinford Ladies GAA Club.
MONDAY 10th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
TUESDAY 11th: 4pm-6pm-Music GeneratioN-JamBand.
7pm-8pm -Pat Kirby Fitness- Tone Zone.
7.30pm-9.30pm Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
8.15pm-9.15pm That’s So Shelly Fitness
WEDNESDAY 12th: 10am-11am That’s So Shelly Fitness
8pm-10pm-Social Group Meeting
Swinford Gardening Club Trip
Swinford Gardening Club and Swinford Social Services are organising a trip to Carlow and Kilkenny, staying at the Mount Wolseley Hotel from Monday 26th to Wednesday 28th June. Among the many attractions are Kilkenny Castle, Altamount Gardens and the Chocolate Garden Workshop. Two nights’ bed and breakfast, two evening meals and entrance to attractions €250 pps (single supplement €50). To book a place contact Angela 087 6520311 or Mary 087 8147463.
Swinford Community Lotto Results
The winning numbers for April 10th
18, 16, 27, 29
€70 local shopping voucher winners:
Tony Reddington, Carrowbeg
Alan Duggan, Swinford
3 number winners:
Tom Lavin, C/o Tara Cafe
M Tyson, Meadow Park
There were no jackpot winners and the Jackpot now stands at €8,800.
The next draw will be held on Tuesday 18 April in Mellett’s.
Rock N Roll Bingo
In memory of baby Amy Kate O’Sullivan a Rock N Roll Bingo fundraiser in aid of Feileacain and Soft Ireland is taking place on the 22th April in the front bar in Gateway hotel Swinford Co Mayo.
Free admission 9pm start.
Beginners Computer Training Classes:
Beginner Computer classes starting in Claremorris Family Resource Centre on Wednesday 19th April from 6pm-8pm. This will take place one evening a week for 5 weeks. To book your place contact 0949060305. This is free of charge to Family Carers. there is limited spaces available. Please contact 0949060305 to book your place.