Swinford Indoor Country Market
This month the Swinford Indoor Country Market will take place on Saturday the 1st July 2017 in the beautifully presented Cultural Centre from 9.30am until 2pm.
Swinford Indoor Market are proud to regularly boast a wide range of locally sourced produce and this month is no exception.
The Market have a fabulous range of regular local stallholders who provide it with fresh vegetables, breads & cakes, and locally grown plants, as well as stunning photography, jewellery and a variety of beautiful handmade crafts.
The Market pride themselves on a warm and friendly community atmosphere, so after browsing around the market why not sit back, relax and listen to a variety of traditional music whilst enjoying either a tasty lunch or a cup of tea or coffee, along with a delicious piece of homemade cake from our HSE approved Railway Cafe.
So this Saturday 1st why not pop along and have a browse, it promises to be a great day out for all the family.
Swinford Indoor Country Market
Síamsa Sráide Table Quiz
The annual Síamsa Sráide Table Quiz takes place on Friday, July 21st at 9pm in Mellett’s. Please support this fun Quiz.
Swinford Tidy Towns
The National Tidy Towns competition is underway. The Adjudicators can arrive in Swinford at anytime. We are asking everyone to help us out, in any small way. Add a window box or hanging basket, pick any weeds that maybe growing, even along the kerb. If you see any litter, pop it in a bin. Every small thing helps us greatly. Huge thanks to everyone who has helped out in any way, it makes such a big difference. Its great to hear such positive feedback from tourists and visitors to Swinford.
Paediatric First Aid Course
There is a Paediatric First Aid Training Course on Saturday July 1st in Swinford Cultural Centre(Meeting Room)the cost is €60. Booking is essential. Further details contact: Thomas McGoldrick 086 2434762 / 087 9664150
Premier First Aid Training
Occupational First Aid
There is also an Occupational First Aid Course in Swinford Cultural Centre (Meeting Room)on July 4th,11th & 18th. The cost is €180, this is a QQI level 5 course.
For Further details contact: Thomas McGoldrick
Premier First Aid Training
086 2434762 / 087 9664150
Swinford Drama Group
Swinford Drama Group
After the success of their production of “The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley” in Meelick Community Centre Swinford Drama Group will be putting on the play in Julians Midfield on Friday 30th June.
Production will return again during The Siamsa Sraide street festival, Swinford on August 5th at 8.30pm, in Swinford Cultural Centre and various venues throughout 2017.
Bláth Na Féile
Blath Na Feile will return for the Síamsa Sráide Street Festival Swinford on Sat August 5th at 8pm in The Gateway Hotel. This years event will be a tribute to the late Joyce Sweeney a founding member of Bláth Na Féile.
For more information on how to enter this contest please contact Megan on 0879808064.
Weekly Yogalates classes in the Cultural Centre, Mondays at 1pm and 7pm.Yogaltes by candlelight helps address conditions like high blood pressure, arthritis and poor sleep. Class €6 pay as you go or course of 4 for €20. Contact Ros 0872617309.
Killasser Folk Group/Gospel Choir
Any singers and musicians interested in forming a folk group/gospel choir in the Killasser area please contact Marie Anne Noone at 087 9035533 or e-mail frjohnd@gmail.com or marieanne.noone@gmail.com. Membership from outside Killasser very welcome.
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
Last week’s draw was held in Horkans where Sheelah & Michael Farrelly of Park Road, Swinford won €583. Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks.
Next draw is in on July 4th in Bolands.
Draw envelopes are available at €3 and €5 and online at swinfordgaa.ie
Swinford GAA Fixtures
Fixtures for the coming week are as follows.
Thursday 29th June 7pm
East Mayo Under 14 B Championship Charlestown v Swinford
Thursday 29th June 7-30pm
Canon Henry Playoff Aghamore v Swinford in Bekan COE
Friday 30th June 7-45pm
Minor League Div3 Ardmoy MacHales v Swinford
Saturday 1st July 11am
Under 10 League Ballinrobe v Swinford
Sunday 2nd July 1pm (note change of time)
Senior League Div1C Parke KC v Swinford
Monday 3rd July 7pm
Under 12 Summer League Swinford v Ballina
Tuesday 4th July 7pm
Under 16 C Championship Hollymount Carramore v Swinford in Carramore
Thursday 6th July
Under 14 D Championship Semi Final Swinford v Hollymount-Carramore/Cill Chomain
Subject to change, please check our Facebook page and www.swinfordgaa.ie
Swinford Football Club Fixtures
Swinford F.C
Thursday June 29th 7pm
Girls U-14 Division 1 Swinford v Achill Rovers
Thursday June 29th 7pm
U-19 Development League Manulla v Swinford
Sunday July 2nd 12 noon
Premier League Swinford v Fahy Rovers
Tuesday July 4th 7pm
Girls U-12 Division 1 Swinford v Ballinrobe
Swinford Athletic Club
The 50/50 draw was held after training at the Amenity Park and congratulations to Michael McNeela of Main Stret, Swinford this weeks winner of €200.
Draws will be held every Tuesday, where one lucky person will take half the jackpot home. Tickets are for sale from all club officers and cost €2 for one ticket and 3 for €5. All income from the draw will be used for the future development of facilities at the club.
Swinford Comhaltas Weekly Traditional Music
29th June Quinns
6th July Horkans
13th July Bolands
20th July Melletts
27th July Sheepwalk
Swinford Community Lotto Results
The winning numbers for 26th June
€70 local shopping voucher winners:
John Dowsett, Tullinahoo.
Aine McGowan, Bohola.
3 Numbers winners:
Colin Duggan, Swinford.
There was no Jackpot winner, the Jackpot now stands at €11,000
The next draw will be held on Monday July 3rd in Moore’s
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Tutors needed to tutor over 55’s on computers/tablets/smartphones to help learners navigate the Internet and gain confidence using their device
Age Action runs courses (each course lasts for 5 weeks, 2 hours per week) in the Swinford Library, on Wednesdays from 10.00 and 12.00. Classes are generally run on a 1:1 or 1:2 basis and both tutors and learners find the classes rewarding and fun. Good computer skills and fluent English needed but patience and good humour just as important! Classes will finish in June and we’re looking for interested tutors for the new cycle starting in September. Call Helen at Age Action on 087 1956047 or email helen.murray@ageaction.ie. Training provided
Swinford Cultural Centre
This week’s update in The Cultural Centre and Meeting room is as follows.
All in Cultural Centre unless stated.
For Further Details Contact: 087 4007045 or email sccbookings@mayococo.ie
THURSDAY 29th: 7am-8am That’s So Shelly Fitness-Boot Camp
1pm-2pm -Pat Kirby Fitness- Yogalates
9am-4pm-Mayo North East (Meeting Room)
8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
SATURDAY 1st: 9am-4pm- Paediatric First Aid Course (Meeting Room)
9am-2.30pm-Indoor Market
MONDAY 3rd : 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
1pm-2pm -Pat Kirby Fitness- Yogalates.
7pm-8pm -Pat Kirby Fitness- Yogalates by Candlelight
TUESDAY 4th: 7am-8am- That’s So Shelly Fitness-Boot Camp
9.30am-5pm-1st Aid Course (Meeting Room)
7pm-8pm -Pat Kirby Fitness- Tone Zone.
8pm-9pm -That’s So Shelly Fitness
WEDNESDAY 5th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
B – Fit Swinford
Fitness classes take place in Swinford Community Centre on Monday 8-30pm – 9-30pm and Wednesday 8pm – 9pm, Thursday 9-30am – 10-30am, Saturday 11am – 12pm. €5 pay as you go. Contact Alan 087 2397225/ Declan 087 6725419
Early year’s music course
Barney’s Busy Bee’s parents and toddlers are holding a Sound World Early Years Music course, every Wednesday 10am and 11.30am in Barnacogue NS. This is a learning and development programme with many fun filled music activities, with parent and child interact, Cost €3. Any queries contact Barnacogue NS on 0949367440 or 0872024788.
Summer school
The Seosamh Mac Gabhann Summer school will take place in Kilmovee Community Centre Sunday July 2 to Friday July 7. Details at: www.smgsummerschool.com. Bigi Linn!
Scoil Muire agus Treasa Litter Pick
Scoil Muire agus Treasa national school litter pick with Swinford tidy towns.
The annual National School Litter pick around Swinford took place on Friday last 23rd June. The litter pick is an annual event undertaken by the 5th and 6th class students from Scoil Muire & Treasa in Swinford. We would like to thank all 38 students who helped out on the day and to their teachers, Marian, Roísin, Amelia & Rita, and also to the tidy towns members, Imelda, Susan, Terry, Tom & Michael. The Tidy Towns Committee hope the students enjoyed the day, tidy towns certainly enjoyed having them with us. We would also like to thank Cathal and the Gateway Hotel for having hot food ready for everyone back at the school when we were finished.
Swinford Macra na Feirme
Swinford Macra na Feirme present a night with Mike Denver in Julians Midfield on Friday July 7th with guest star Eunice Moran. Doors open 9-30pm Admission €15.
If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday afternoon. Thanks.