Swinford Notes March 21st 2018
Swinford & District Gardening Club
On Tuesday March 27th at 8.30pm in the Gateway Hotel Alan Mortimer will demonstrate how to create colourful hanging baskets, tubs and window boxes for the Summer season. Please note that there is a change of speaker and topic from that previously advertised. All are welcome to attend. Non members €5.
Swinford Boxing Club
Are you aged 50+? Want to get, or keep Fit whilst having Fun and learning how to Manage your Weight? Then we’ve got something to tell you…
Swinford Boxing Club is delighted to offer the first of many Training Programs specifically tailored to Groups in our community. In association with the Irish Athletic Boxing Association and the HSE, we present
“Fighting Fit”…
a FREE 8 week programme as part of our Healthy Boxing Bodies project.
Fighting Fit is a fun based boxing session for both WOMEN and MEN aged 50+. The sessions are based on fundamental body movements and manageable exercise for this specific group. This program helps with a changing body composition, aiding mobility, and helping you to keep muscle mass resulting in good body posture throughout life. It is a program that will help manage weight gains encountered as metabolism slows.
The Program will run initially on Monday evenings for a 2 month period beginning in May. In association with the HSE, the program will also include: a Health Risk Assessment, Nutritional Advice and a Health Seminar for all participants.
Places are limited to 15 participants and will be filled on a “first come, first served” basis. So if you are 50+, interested in your health, fitness and mobility, then contact us via swinfordboxingclub@gmail.com, via Facebook Messenger, or by contacting any member of Swinford Boxing Club now…
Killasser Folk Group/Gospel Choir
Any singers and musicians interested in forming a folk group/gospel choir in the Killasser area please contact Marie Anne Noone at 087 9035533 or e-mail frjohnd@gmail.com or marieanne.noone@gmail.com Membership from outside Killasser very welcome.
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
This weeks draw was held in Quinns and Ciaran Owens won €571
Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through
www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks.
Next draw is in Sheepwalk on March 27th.
Draw envelopes are available at €2 and 3 for €5 and online at www.swinfordgaa.ie
Swinford GAA Club News
Minor League
Round 2 23rd March 6pm Hollymount-Carramore v Swinford
Under 16 League Div 4A
27th March 18:30 Swinford v Ballyhaunis
Under 16 League Division 6
28th March 18-45 Knockmore B v Swinford B
Under 16 League Div4A
30th March 19:00 Charlestown v Swinford
Mayo Senior League Division 4
Round 1 31st March Swinford v Castlebar Mitchels B
Minor League
Round 3 2nd April Kilmeena v Swinford
Table Quiz
Swinford GAA Table Quiz in Sheepwalk on Friday 13th April at 9pm.
Swinford Football Club
Mayo Premier League Round 1
Swinford fc v Ballyglass B
25th March @11:30am.
Swinford Golf/Soccer draw
The Swinford Golf/Soccer draw results for the 8th Draw are as follows:1st Prize €1000 Brendan Walsh, 2nd Prize €300 David Brennan 3rd Prize €200 Edward Casey.
The organisers would like to thank everyone who supports the draw.
Swinford Comhaltas
There is a Comhaltas Seisuin every Thursday, below are the up coming locations.
22nd March Bolands 9-30pm
29th March Melletts 9-30pm
5th April Whitehouse 9-30pm
Swinford AC 50/50 Draw
No result at time of publishing.
Swinford Cultural Centre
Below are the coming weeks events/classes that will be held in Swinford Cultural Centre.
All are in the cultural centre unless stated.
THURSDAY 22nd: 1pm-1.45pm- Pat Kirby-Bums and Tums
3.30pm-8pm-Morrison Ballet
8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
FRIDAY 23rd: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
SATURDAY 24th: 10am-2pm- ECM Dance
11am-3pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
3.30pm-5.30pm-Make up with Megan (Meeting Room)
MONDAY 26th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby-Lunchtime Yogalates
4.30pm-5.30pm-ECM Dance
7pm-8pm-Pat Kirby-Candlelight Yogalates
TUESDAY 27th:1pm-2pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
7.30pm-9pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
7pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
WEDNESDAY 28th: 8pm-10pm- Active Minds (Meeting Room)
If you have any queries or to book a room Contact: 094-9052006/087 4007045 (9am-5.30pm Week days. Text outside of these hours) or email sccbookings@mayococo.ie
B – Fit Swinford
Fitness classes take place in Swinford Community Centre on Monday 8-30pm – 9-30pm, Wednesday morning 9-30am – 10-30am (Women only), Wednesday 8pm – 9pm and Saturday 11am – 12pm. €6/€3 student pay as you go. Contact Alan 087 2397225/ Declan 087 6725419.
The Swinford Community Lotto
No result at time of publishing.
Golf Club 25 Card Game
Results from 16th March 1st Virginia Heeran and Chris Heeran 2nd and 3rd shared by Philip Irwin & Ann Rowley and Mary Higgins & Maureen Morley
The card game continues every Thursday night at 9pm. On Thursday 22nd March we are having a fundraiser for Daffodil Day, please support.
Friends of the Willows
Friends of the Willows, a local mental health charity are looking for new volunteers, committee members, energy and ideas? If you think you can be of assistance, contact Collette at 087 6732381.
If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday afternoon. Thanks