Swinford Notes for 11th November 2015
Swinford night out in Dublin
There will be a gathering of Swinford people this Saturday night in the Stags Head Bar on Dame Lane in Dublin City Centre. This is a great opportunity for Swinford people living and working in the capital to get together and enjoy a night out. There will be live music on the night by Swinford band Everyday Solution.
Please let anybody you know who may be interested in coming along about this event.
For more details please contact Cathal Kelly or visit www.swinford.ie
Awards Evening
Swinford Cultural Centre will host an Awards Evening on Wednesday December 2nd at 7pm for all entrants in the recent Design a LOGO Competition. All competitors will receive a prize in recognition of the fantastic works of art which were entered in the competition. The winner in each category and the overall winner will be announced.
All entries will be on display and everyone is welcome to come and view them.
Adjudication was carried out by Independent Adjudicator Gaynor Seville of Mayo County Council’s Arts Office.
Tesco Clean Street League Awards
The Swinford Tidy Towns committee would like to thank everyone who took part in this years Tesco Clean Street League sponsored by Tesco Swinford. As it is very evident it has made a huge difference and the appearance of the town has improved hugely in the last few years. This is all down to everybody taking part, no matter how small, it all makes a difference.
The committee thank everybody who came out to the awards night in the Gateway Hotel. They would also like to thank Cllr Michael Smyth and Cllr Neil Cruise from Foxford for attending also. We are looking forward to the 2016 Tesco Clean Street League already and which we will be beginning to plan for shortly.
Congratulations to this years 2015 Tesco Clean Street League Award winner Kilkelly Road and runner up Ballina Road.
Congratulations is also extended to this years 2015 Tesco Clean Estate League winner Brabazon Heights and runner up Railway Terrace.
Please view the full report at www.swinfordtidytowns.com/2015-clean-street-league-award-winners/
Young Entrepreneur of the Year
Congratulations to Eugene Greaney of Dough Bros, Galway (son of Eugene Greaney, Swinford) who won Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in Connaught and now goes onto the national finals.
Best of luck and continued success to him and the Dough Bros.
An Interview Skills Training Workshop
An Interview Skills Training Workshop will be delivered by Sli Nua Careers and will be held in Swinford on Thursday 26th November.
The course is free to unemployed people.
To register please contact Dolores McNicholas at 087 7704251 or email dmcnicholas@mayonortheast.com
The Carers Association
The Carers Association have recently set up a 50/50 draw to support Family Carers in Mayo.
If you have a spare €2 could you put in in one of the envelopes. Half of the winnings go towards the envelope picked out and the other half to support Family Carers in Mayo.
The €2 envelopes are left in a box in Corrib Oil Swinford.
Comholtas News
The members of Michael Davitt Branch CCE wish to say “Go raibh míle maith agat” to everyone who helped to make Féile na Samhna 2015 such a wonderful success. The organisers and participants had a great weekend of ceol agus craic. Thanks to all who worked to make it a weekend to remember and to all who attended.
The branch AGM will be held in the Gateway Hotel on Wednesday November 18th at 8.30pm and the present members would be delighted to see you there if you have an interest in the promotion of our traditional music, song, dance or language.
New members are always welcome.
Swinford Christmas Festival 2015
The second Swinford Christmas Festival will take place this year from Friday November 27th to Sunday December 6th.
Similar to last year there are many events planned to take place over the course of the festival such as live concerts with internationally acclaimed singer Declan O’Rourke and Swinford’s own Everyday Solution. The festival will also include a fantastic shopping bonanza where thousands of euro in local shopping vouchers will be up for grabs and many more events organised and run by various clubs and organisations active in our community.
The festival will be launched on Thursday November 20th in the Gateway Hotel at 8pm.
All are invited to come along. More details to appear in the next few weeks.
Please contact Cathal Kelly for more details or visit www.swinford.ie
The Hospice Shop Swinford
Mistletoe Ball
The Mistletoe Ball in aid of Mayo Roscommon Hospice takes place in Breaffy House Resort Castlebar on Saturday, December 12th. Doors open at 7.30pm with champagne and a mulled wine reception.
Come along and treat yourself and see a spectacular event unfold while supporting local palliative care services.
Please contact 094 9388666 if you have any further queries.
Let Love Shine A Light
The Let Love Shine a light Christmas appeal in aid of Mayo Roscommon Hospice Palliative Care Service gets underway this week and will continue up until Christmas Eve.
You are invited to sponsor a light on the Tree Of Light in Knock for a friend, a family member (living or deceased) or for a special intention.
Cards will be available in the Hospice shops, local Hospice Support groups and local pharmacies or by contacting 094 9388666.
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
This weeks draw for Swinford GAA was held in Moores on the 10th of November.
Mattie Carroll of Tullinacurra won €759.00. Mattie Carroll bought her ticket in O’Donnells Pharmacy, Swinford.
Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks. Draw envelopes are now available at 3 for €5.00.
Our next draw in on in Julians on the 17th of November.
Swinford GAA Underage Developmet Seminar
On Saturday 14th November there will be a seminar on underage development within the club.
All club players, all underage coaches and interested parents are invited. The seminar will be presented by Brian Galvin and there will be other speakers. It will be of huge benefit to all concerned.
It will be held in the Gateway Hotel from 7.30pm to 9pm.
Under 21 B Championship
The quarter final between Swinford and Belmullett has been fixed for this Saturday 14th November at 3pm in Ballina.
U-15 Division 3 are County Champions
A great crowd gathered to see Swinford play Davitts in the Division 3 County Final. When the two teams met earlier in the league Swinford came out on top by 5 points on their visit to Ballindine this time they went one point better and won by 6 but the game was in the balance for the last ten minutes before it was sealed in the last few minutes on a final score of Swinford 4-9 Davitts 2-9. Full report on Swinford GAA website.
Great thanks goes to John Dunne and his assistants Mark McNicholas, Shane Campbell and John Sheehan for all their hard work during the year.
Cian Campbell
Darragh Pidgeon
Darren Geraghty
Ryan Lavin
Conor Forkan
Niall McNulty
Nathan McNicholas
Shane Cronnolly
Neven Grufferty
Matthew Lavin
Martin Murphy
Conor Ferguson
Sean Walsh
Diarmuid Breen
Matthew Lavin 1-5
Conor Ferguson 1-1
Neven Grufferty 1-1
Conor Forkan 1-0
Sean Walsh 0-1
Nathan McNicholas 0-1
Swinford GAA AGM
The annual general meeting of the club will be held in the Gateway Hotel on Sunday 29th November at 6pm.
Golf Card Game Results
The results from the Golf card game on the 5th of November
1st Ann Rowley & Philip Irwin
2nd Margaret Sweeney & Mark Munnelly
3rd Gerry Ronayne & Brian Rowley
Tom Durkin
PJ Hennighan
Philip Moore
Tom Bredican
1st Mark Munnelly
2nd Mary Higgins
3rd John Gallagher
Game continues every Thursday night at 9pm.
New players are always welcome.
This Friday the 13th of November the AGM of the ladies section will commence at 8pm. 2015 captain Dympna O’Donnell will preside over the last meeting of her reign prior to handing over to incoming captain Margaret Sweeney.
Another successful year will be reviewed by the members during which many newcomers to the game joined the club. Hopefully the trend will continue into the future.
All new members and intending members are asked to come along this Friday.
Men’s AGM is on the 20th of November at 9pm.
Management AGM is on the 27th of November at 9pm.
Aras Attracta Card Game Results
Results of card game held in Aras Attracta on Sunday November 9th.
1st John Byrne & Bernard Callaghan
2nd Virginia Heerin & Mary Byrne
3rd shared by Michael & Tom Durkin
Jimmy Muldowney & Seamus Gallagher
Virginia Heerin & Mary Byrne
Paddy Gallagher & Val Hyland
1st Tom Bredican
2nd Eileen Geraghty
3rd Phyllis Bredican
Games continue every Sunday at 8.30pm.
New players welcome.
Swinford Community Lotto Results
The weekly lotto draw was held in Quinns bar on the 8th of November.
Winning Numbers
2 10 11 25
€70.00 Local Shopping Voucher Winners
Tony Gleeson, Swinford
S.B, c/o Bolands
3 Number Winners
Mary Dunleavy, Coill Abhainn
R & Isobelle Tuffy, Killasser
Ed Bredican, Cloonfinaune
Jackpot now €5400 and draw will take place next week in Moores Bar.
If you have any event or notice that you would like us to mention in the next Swinford Notes please email: www.swinfordnotes@swinford.ie