Swinford Notes February 20th 2019

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St Patricks Day Parade, 2019

Enter a float in this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade.

All groups, organisations and individuals are invited to enter a float in the 2019 St. Patrick’s Day Parade being held on Sunday March 17th.

As Swinford celebrates 250 years and more it is hoped to have a record entry to celebrate our National feast day.

The theme of this year’s parade is “Swinford 250-Past, Present and Future”

Entry forms and full details are available from: Francis Brennan, Parade Co-ordinator at 087-9909863



Craobh Eo Woodturning Seminar

The 2019 Craobh eo woodturning seminar will take place on Saturday 23rd February 2019 and will be held in the Gateway hotel in Swinford.

Cost €60 for day including dinner.

Demonstrators will be Liam O’Neill (Galway), and Seamus Cassidy (Meath). Woodturning & Woodworking suppliers attending on the day will be Stanley Raitt (Stranorlar), The Hut (Dublin) & Martin Lodge timber supplies (Galway).

We look forward to welcoming all our members and supporters for what will be a great weekend of woodturning and meeting up with old friends and friends we’ve yet to make.

More info and full itinerary at http://craobheowoodturners.com/craobheo-2019-annual-seminar/

Swinford Camera Club

Swinford Camera Club’s next meeting takes place tonight, Wednesday 20th February 2019. 

Meetings take place in the Gateway hotel at 8pm on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month. If you are looking to take up a new hobby, why not try photography? Come along to a meeting and see if you’d like it. As always, new members are always very welcome, especially beginners.  

Resilience Building Course for Children in Swinford Cultural Centre –

Course Starting on Tuesday 14th May 20195 week, 2 days per week, programme to assist children build resilience and self-esteem.
Working in small groups, the children will learn important skills and techniques to deal with everyday worries and stresses through fun and interactive activities.
The course will be given by Laura Murtagh, Educational Psychologist and Primary Teacher.
It will take place on;
Tuesdays at 4.30 – 5.30 for 8-10 year-olds and from 5.30 to 6.30 for 11-13 year- olds.
Saturdays at 10am – 11am for 8-10 year-olds and from 11am to 12 midday for 11-13 year-olds.
To book a place email laura@educationalpsychologist.ie Booking is essential as places are limited to a maximum of 10 per group.
The cost of the 5-week course is €120 (€20 deposit required to secure a place).
For more information about the course please click here.
Laura will also be running a Resilience Building Summer Camp in July, click here for more.

Swinford Go Getters

Swinford Go Getters are a social activities club for over 55’s who meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month.  We play a variety of fun games including Boccia, skittles, ball and bean bag games which are part of the Go for Life Games. A new parachute game was added in January where the idea is to balance a ball and other items on the parachute. We also added a horse-racing game. These are very popular with the group. All games are designed to be played sitting or standing.

Dates for the next few games held at the Cultural Centre Swinford 10.30am to12.30pm.

Thursday 14th March

Thursday 11th April

Thursday 9th May

Thursday 13th June

No expertise needed.  Refreshments served including homemade cakes. Further information contact Bridie 087 9049723 or come along and give it a try. All very welcome.

Swinford Comhaltas

This weeks Thursday evening Seisuin (21st) is in Horkans bar from approx. 9-30pm.

Thursday 21st Feb Horkans

Thursday 28th Feb Bolands

Swinford Gardening Club

At the next meeting of Swinford Gardening Club Dave Langford will speak on Spring in the Garden.

It takes place in the Gateway Hotel on Tuesday February 26th at 8.30pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Non members €5.

Arthritis Ireland-Mayo Branch

The Swinford Arthritis & Fibromyalgia Walking group continues each Saturday at 10am at the Amenitiy park with Margaret and Mary. New Members Welcome. If you have any queries please contact Margaret on 087-4150663/ Mary on 087-9810762 or email arthritismayobranch@gmail.com

Leaving/Junior Cert  Revision Courses

Leaving Cert Irish Oral  Revision Course Saturday 23rd March 10am-1.30pm in Banada

Junior and Leaving Cert Irish courses 22nd-26th July and 29th July-2nd August in Banada

Contact Siobhán on 0874510572 for further detail.

Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw

This weeks draw was held in Sheepwalk and Ellen McDonagh and Sean McDonagh of Midfield won €525. The winning envelope was sold in
Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks.
Next draw is in Horkans on February 26th
Draw envelopes are available at €2 and 3 for €5 and online at swinfordgaa.ie

Swinford Community Lotto

Swinford Community Lotto results for 18th February 2019
No winner of the Jackpot.
Winning Numbers

11, 14, 22 & 26

€70 Local Shopping Voucher Winners

James Grey – Swinford

Madeline Horkan – Swinford

3 Number winners

Andy Madden – Swinford

Maria Grufferty – Curryane

Next weeks Jackpot is €10,000

Next draw takes place in The Gateway Hotel on Monday 25th February.

Results Golf Club Card Game

No result at time of publishing.

Barnacogue NS Enrolment

Barnacogue NS is now accepting enrolment for the 2019/2020 school year. Enrolment forms are available from the school or on our school website. There will be open days from February 26th to 28th from 10am to 2pm. Please feel free to come along on any of those dates or contact the school on 0949367440 or e mail barnacoguens@gmail.com

Swinford Agricultural Show AGM

The 2019 Swinford Agricultural Show AGM will take place on Thursday the 21st of February. AGM to be held in the Gateway Hotel in Swinford at 8pm. This year will be the 31st anniversary of Swinford Agricultural Show, new ideas, new members are all welcome. Light refreshments will be served. This years show will be on Sunday the 25th of August

Swinford Cultural Centre

Below is a list of events happening this week in Swinford Cultural Centre, all in the cultural centre hall unless stated.


THURSDAY 21st:   6.45am-8am- That’s So Shelly Fitness

1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby-Bums & Tums

2pm-3pm-Baby Massage (Meeting Room)

3.30pm-8pm-Morrison Ballet

8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness

FRIDAY 22nd:  6.45am-8am- That’s So Shelly Fitness

8.30am-10.30am- Slimway

6.30pm-7.30pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness

SATURDAY 23rd:  10am-4pm-ECM Dance

11am-3pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)

MONDAY 25th:  10am-12pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness

10am-4pm-My Homecare Medical (Meeting Room)

1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby Fitness


6.30pm-8pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)

7.30pm-8.30pm-Pat Kirby Fitness

8pm-9pm-Widows Group (Meeting Room)

TUESDAY 26th:   6.45am-8am- That’s So Shelly Fitness

11am-1pm-Mayo North East (Meeting Room)

4.30pm-6.30pm-Jiving Juniors- Dance Class

6.30pm-8pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)

7pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness

WEDNESDAY 27th:  6.45am-8am- That’s So Shelly Fitness

10am-11pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness

11.30am-12.30pm-Arthritis Ireland, Mayo Branch (Meeting Room)

1pm-4pm-Artists at Heart (Meeting Room)

4pm-7pm-Giggles Drama

7.30pm-8.30pm- Zumba with Magda

8pm-9pm- Active Minds (Meeting Room)

For Booking information contact: (094) 9052006/087-4007045 (9am-5.30pm Monday-Friday).


Midfield Pipe Band

Midfield Pipe Band will be conducting Piping & Drumming Lessons for beginners or any interested parties, all ages young & old. Venue Midfield National School Time 11am-1pm.
Dates:  Mar 2nd, Mar 9th & Mar 16th. €40 for all 6 lessons.
Further info contact Eugene 087 6744121, Michael 087 6169450

Healthcare Support Training

Mayo North East is organising a free Healthcare Support Training Course in Swinford for unemployed people or people in part-time employment. On successful completion of the course learners will have gained a Healthcare Support QQI Level 5 Major award. Garda Vetting must be successfully completed. Training will commence one day per week in February 2019 and conclude September 2019. Please contact Dolores McNicholas on 0877704251 or email dmcnicholas@mayonortheast.com to register for the course. This training is funded under The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme

Yogalates & Bums & Tums

2 Yogalates Classes Run Every Monday In The Cultural Centre Swinford.
First at 1pm Lunchtime Yogalates, this is a 45 minute Class. The second is Yogalates By Candlelight at 7pm and runs for 1 Hour. Both Classes are For Beginners so join anytime and Classes are Pay As You Go. We start with Yoga Poses so you can start To Heal and Breathe Then Pilates For Strengthening Your Core, then we move on To Stretching To Renew Your Muscles and Help with Posture and Finish with Relaxation. Please Bring your own Mat, Blanket and Cushion. This is Good For Chronic Conditions, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, High Blood Pressure & Fatigue To name a few. For further Information please Contact Ros on 0872617309
Bums & Tums in The Cultural Centre every Thursday Lunchtime at 1pm. A 45 min Class To Strengthen and Stretch Those Problem errors and help tone and scuplt your Body. Classes Run Throughout The Summer Join anytime, Pay As You Go. For further information Please Contact Ros on 0872617309.

Get Connected’ in 2019 – Computer/Internet classes for older learners

Age Action runs beginner and refresher computer/Internet classes (for people aged 55+ who have little or no computer experience, want to learn how to use their device or who are apprehensive of technology. Continuing in February 2019, classes will be held in Swinford Library on Wednesdays from 10:0 0 – 12:00pm. Each course runs for 5 consecutive weeks (2 hours per week) and there is no fee. Participants are generally taught on an individual basis (1:1) so this is a great opportunity to have your own tutor to help you ‘get connected’ in 2019. Laptops/iPads/iPhones/Tablets/Smartphones all welcome OR if you have no device we can provide one for you. For further information or to book a place on our waiting list, call Age Action on 091 527831. Spaces Limited. (NOTE: these classes are for beginners or for people who wish to refresh/build on their basic skills. One course per person – If you have already taken a course with Age Action since January 2017 you are not eligible to apply.)
At the moment we still have places for February classes in Swinford Library.

If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday afternoon. Thank You

Author: Douglas Kelly

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