Swinford Notes – 22nd October 2014
New Voluntary One Way System
The Board of Management of Scoil Muire agus Treasa – Swinford National School would like to advise motorists that a voluntary one way system will operate on Circular Road during the peak times of 8:45am to 9:15am and 2:45pm to 3:15pm Monday to Friday. This is to alleviate congestion during drop off and pick up times. Parents/Guardians are asked to access Circular Road from Market Street and exit on Lower Main Street.
Cash for Clobber Collection
Scoil Muire ague Treasa (Swinford National School) are having a Cash for Clobber Collection on Tuesday 4th November. Bags of unwanted clothes, footware, bedding and curtains can be dropped off at the school hall on Monday 3rd November. Your support for this collection would be greatly appreciated.
Swinford Camera Club
Swinford Camera Club has resumed its meetings after the summer break. Meetings are held every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 8 pm in the National School. The Club’s AGM was held at the meeting on the 1st of October and the following officers were elected for the coming 2014/2015 year -:
• Chairman – Louis Mc Nulty
• Treasurer – Tom Regan
• Secretary – Angela Clarke
• P.R.O. – Michael Maye
It was decided by the club members at the AGM that this year’s membership would remain at €30. If you have an interest in photography why not come along to one of the meetings, everyone is most welcome, especially beginners.
If you are thinking of purchasing a new camera, or thinking of buying accessories for your camera, why not come along and get some advice from club members. Swinford camera club members have a wide variety of cameras, from compact point & shoot up to DSLR’s.
For more information on the Swinford Camera Club, why not visit their website which can be found here.
Barnacogue National School Halloween Disco
Barnacogue N.S will be holding a fancy dress Halloween disco in the school hall on Thursday 23rd October from 6:30 to 8:00pm. There will be prizes for the best homemade, most humorous and most topical costume. Admission is €2 and all are welcome. Telephone the school on 094 9367440 for further details.
Swinford Scouts Halloween Disco
Swinford Scouts is hosting a Halloween Disco on Friday 31st October in the Cultural Centre. Come along in fancy dress and take part in the Halloween games, dancing and fun from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Admission is €3. Tuck shop open for the evening and everybody is welcome.
Feile na Samhna 2014
The Féile na Samhna programme for Saturday 25th features two great workshops.
The tutor for the workshop beginning at 11am (for children aged 7 to 14) is Síle Uí Mhongáin. A primary teacher from north Mayo, Síle is a renowned Sean nós singer and indeed adjudicates at the All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil. We are delighted to have her in Swinford and we are sure the children will enjoy learning some new songs from her.
At 4.30pm Séamus MacMathúna will conduct a workshop for adults and young people over 14. Séamus intends to get his audience singing lively Irish and English Sean nós songs- “amhráin rithimiúla” to quote his own words. Originally from Cooraclare in Co Clare, Séamus is known all over Ireland, and indeed internationally as a singer and musician.
The workshops are free of charge and will take place in Teach Uí Chonaill, opposite AIB on Main Street. Email: cceswinford@gmail.com or call 087 7454032 to reserve a place.
Swinford Cycling Club
The Swinford Cycling Club hold a cycle every Sunday morning departing at 9:15am sharp from Corrib Oil. There are various routes available to cater for all categories of cyclist from the novice right up to the more experienced bike rider.
All route maps and other updates are posted weekly on the Swinford Cycle Club Facebook page.
Gateway Hotel 25 Drive Results
The winners of the 25 Drive held in the Gateway Hotel on Sunday 12th October were -:
Patti Hanley and Vrona McNulty
Michael Durkin and Tom Durkin
Michael Ryan and Michael O’Neill
Swinford GAA Fixtures
Sunday 26th October at 2:30pm in Robert McCallion Memorial Park
Division 1E
Swinford v Kiltane
Any changes to the fixtures will be posted on Swinford GAA’s Facebook, Twitter and Website.
Swinford GAA AGM
The Swinford GAA Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 30th November at 7:30pm in the Gateway Hotel.
All interested parties are invited to attend.
Community Awareness Coffee Morning
Their will be a coffee morning on Friday 24th October in the Gateway Hotel at 11:00am with guest speakers from An Garda Siochana and the Fire Service.
At this time of year with the clocks set to go back an hour, they will be talking on the importance of both personal and home safety. Everybody is welcomed and complimentary tea & coffee will be served.
This event is sponsored by Tesco, Swinford and is part of their Community Awareness Programme.
Swinford Community Lotto Results
The winning numbers for October 20th
7, 13, 18, 27
€70 local shopping voucher winners:
Seamus Maloney, Brabazon Heights
Aoife, Jane & Regina c/o O’Hara’s Carpets
€35 winners:
Pete Rooney, Rathscanlon
Martin Brennan, c/o Michelle Tunney, Cloonlara
There were no jackpot winners and the Jackpot now stands at €11,000.
The next draw will be held on Tuesday 28th October in The White House.
Carers Stress Management Workshop
Tracey Fitzgerald will hold a stress management workshop for carers in Kilmovee Community Centre on Monday 3rd November from 10:30am to 12noon. This workshop is open to all carers in the Swinford area as well as those from Kilkelly, Kilmovee and Charlestown. Tel Bernadette 086 3775702 for more details.
Traditional Music Sessions
Weekly traditional music session are being held in Julians of Midfield on Sunday evenings from 5pm-6.30pm. All are welcome.
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
This week’s draw was worth €1276 and was won by Bridget & Trish O’Connor of Cloonaghboy, Swinford.
The next draw will take place in Melletts, Swinford on Tuesday 28th October.
Draw envelopes are widely available in Swinford’s shops and businesses and you can now play online.
In the last three months the Club has spent over €7,000.00 on maintenance of the playing surface at Robert McCallion Memorial Park and over €2,000.00 on gym equipment for the upcoming winter training programme. This could not be done without the support of the entire community and the club really appreciates all the support. Remember, there is a weekly winner but if you are not in, you can’t win!
Meelick 25 Drive Results
The winners of the 25 Drive held in Meelick Community Centre on Tuesday 21st October were -:
Philip Moore and Tom Bredican
2nd & 3rd (shared)
Peter Geraghty and Michael Ward
Margaret Waters and Gerard Hennigan
Seamus Conwell and Jimmy Jordan
Winners of the Spot Prizes
Noreen Geraghty and Eileen Geraghty
Seamus Conwell and Jimmy Jordan
Raffle Winners
1st Mary Higgins
2nd Michael Lynskey
3rd Brian McNulty
4th Phyllis Bredican
The next Meelick 25 drive will be on Tuesday 28th October at 9pm in Meelick Community Centre. New card players are always welcomed.
If you have a forthcoming event or notice that you would like mentioned in next weeks Swinford Notes, please email: Swinfordnotes@swinford.ie