Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS)
Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS), Further Education Centre, Dublin Road, Swinford
Emer Mullins – VTOS Co-ordinator, Swinford
Tel: 094 9251928
Email: emermullins@msletb.ie
Website: www.swinfordvtos.com
About Us:
The Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme is designed to help unemployed adults return to full time education without losing their social welfare benefits.
Participants are required to have been unemployed for six months and must be over 21 years of age.
The course is free to eligible persons and some travel expenses are paid. Students retain their Social Welfare Benefits for the duration of the course. Childcare support is also available and a Guidance and Counselling service is available to all students.
VTOS create opportunities for students to:
- Continue their education and develop new skills
- Gain recognised qualifications
- Find good employment or access to further education
- Develop new interests and create new experiences
- Make lifelong friends
Swinford’s VTOS Computer-based Business Studies Course will help participants make the transition back into paid employment or to further education. Participants will make new friends; improve their confidence & skills and acquire valuable education qualifications in an adult friendly environment.
Our Computer-based Business Studies Course:
The VTOS Computer-based Business Studies Course held at the Further Education Centre, Swinford is a full-time course offering a variety of Computer and Business subjects to unemployed adults.
Some of the subjects on offer at the centre include: keyboarding & word processing; spreadsheet and database methods; desktop publishing; payroll & bookkeeping; English and communications; business and office skills studies.
On successful completion of the course participants can obtain one or both of the following QQI/FETAC Awards:
Office Skills (4M2070) and/or Business Administration (5M2468).
Course Duration:
We offer the option of a one or two year course commencing in September and continuing until June.
Monday to Friday: 9:30am – 2:45pm daily
Are You Interested In Our Course?
Why not call to the centre, to see what is on offer, discuss your options, meet those people who have embraced the exciting challenge of returning to education and dispel any fears you may have about returning to education over a coffee and a chat.
For further information, please contact:
Emer Mullins – VTOS Co-ordinator, Swinford
Tel: 094 9251928
Email: emermullins@msletb.ie
Or visit the Swinford VTOS website