Swinford Tidy Towns
Swinford have been awarded 269 points, which is a massive increase of 11 points in this years competition. The tidy towns committee are delighted with this years result & report, as we’re sure you are too. Huge thanks to everyone that has helped out throughout the year. Great credit has to go to everyone in the Swinford community. There has been so much work done over the last few years. Every little bit helps, no matter how small, it really does make a huge difference. We are getting so many positive comments back from tourists and people who have been away from Swinford, that notice a huge improvement in the appearance of the town! Thanks again to everyone for being part of Swinford’s success in this years competition. Full report can be viewed at www.swinfordtidytowns.com/2017-national-tidy-towns-winners-announced/
Free – Computer Training available locally
“Skills for Work West” are currently organising a number of Computer Courses locally in the Ballina
and Swinford areas. We have an introductory IT course covering basic skills, Internet- Email and
introduction to Excel Spreadsheets”. We also offer training to Farmers in online applications including use of the “Agfood Website” for Animal Registrations and Movements.
All enquiries can be directed to :Geraldine – Skills for Work West on 087 6251494 or email:geraldineohaire@skillsforwork.ie
Lucky Euro-million’s winners
Congratulations to the three local people who were lucky in recent lotto Euro-million draws.
One local couple won €5,000, and two local men won €2,004 and €2,000.
Tickets were purchased in Mellett’s Newsagents Swinford
Buildings of County Mayo Photo Exhibition
The ‘Buildings of County Mayo’ exhibition comes to Swinford Cultural Centre
Swinford Cultural Centre housed in the late nineteenth-century Swinford Railway Goods Shed will host the Buildings of Mayo Photographic Exhibition from the 15th – 29th September 2017. The exhibition presented as a joint venture between the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in association with Mayo County Council aims to promote the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) survey of County Mayo and foster an awareness of, and appreciation for the built heritage.
Mayo has rich built heritage spanning many centuries reflecting past lives and recording the economic and social history of the county. This built heritage includes important public buildings such as churches, courthouses, institutions and market houses. Eighteenth & nineteenth century country houses and a wealth of thatched and vernaculat buildings form part of this cultural heritage. The county’s maritime heritage includes coastguards stations, lighthouses, piers and quays. It’s civil engineering heritage includes bridges, railway stations and viaducts.
Event Type: Photographic Exhibition
Booking details: Please email sccbookings@mayococo.ie for more information.
Venue: Swinford Cultural Centre, Station Road, Swinford, Co.Mayo F12WK83
Date: Friday 15th September 2017 – Friday 29th September 2017
The exhibition is open Monday to Friday in Swinford Cultural Centre from 10am – 4pm.
Admission is FREE.
Swinford Cultural Centre is a multi-use facility, this exhibition will not hinder any of the normal day to day classes or courses which are hosted there.
Manual Handling Training Course
A Manual Handling training course will take place in the Cultural Centre, Swinford at 11.00am this Thursday the 28th September 2017. Training is free to jobseekers, people in part-time employment
CE, RSS and Tús workers. Places are limited and must be pre-booked by contacting Ann or Jackie at 0892005263 or email dmcnicholas@mayonortheast.com
This training is delivered by Mayo North East and is funded under The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme
Resilience Building Course for Children in Swinford Cultural Centre – Last Chance To Enrol
- 12-week programme to assist children build resilience and self-esteem.
- Working in small groups, the children will learn important skills and techniques to deal with everyday worries and stresses through fun and interactive activities.
- The course will be given by Laura Murtagh, Educational Psychologist and Primary Teacher.
- It will take place on Tuesdays at 4.30 – 5.30 for 7-9 year-olds and from 5.30 to 6.30 for 10-12 year- olds.
- To book a place email laura@educationalpsychologist.ie. Booking is essential as places are limited to a maximum of 10 per group.
- The cost of the 12-week course is €130.
- For more information about the course please click here.
Swinford Indoor Country Market
This month the Swinford Indoor Country Market will take place on Saturday the 7th Oct 2017 in the beautifully presented Cultural Centre Swinford from 9.30am until 2pm.
The market is proud to regularly boast a wide range of locally sourced produce and this month is no exception.
There is a fabulous range of regular local stallholders who provide the market with fresh vegetables, breads & cakes, and locally grown plants, as well as stunning photography, jewellery and a variety of beautiful handmade crafts.
The market pride themselves on their warm and friendly community atmosphere so after browsing around the market why not sit back, relax and listen to a variety of traditional music whilst enjoying either a tasty lunch or a cup of tea or coffee, along with a delicious piece of homemade cake from our HSE approved Railway Café.
Heartfulness, Relaxation and Meditation
Heartfulness, Relaxation and Meditation returns on Monday Oct 9th at 7pm in the Parochial House Swinford. Free and open to all over 16 years.
Contact 086 0700681 if you require further information.
Killasser Community Centre News
KCC-Social Dancing
Anyone interested in learning how to dance? A dance class will start at 8.30pm on Thursday 7th September in Killasser Community Centre. The classes are suitable for beginners and Improvers and you will have an opportunity to learn how to Jive, Waltz, Foxtrot and try other dance styles. The classes will last for 8 weeks and cost €80 for adults and €40 for children. Full payment on the first night. Contact Frank at 087 980 9432. All Welcome!
KCC-Badminton Classes
We are looking to start badminton classes in October, more than likely on a Tuesday night.
We would like to see if there is an interest in this activity and so if you are interested in participating this please contact Paul Hyland at 087 6109192. All Welcome!
Schedule of Events throughout 2017
The following is a list of planned events throughout 2017, however the dates are subject to change.
Tractor Drive 2017: Sunday 1st October
Killasser Folk Group/Gospel Choir
Any singers and musicians interested in forming a folk group/gospel choir in the Killasser area please contact Marie Anne Noone at 087 9035533 or e-mail frjohnd@gmail.com or marieanne.noone@gmail.com Membership from outside Killasser very welcome.
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
This week’s draw was held in Julian’s, Midfield where Vin McDonnell of Killasser won €511. Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks.
Next draw is in Bolands on October 3rd.
Draw envelopes are available at €2 and 3 for €5 and online at www.swinfordgaa.ie
Swinford GAA Fixtures
Thursday 28th September 6-00pm
Under 11 Go Games Swinford v Aghamore
Saturday 30th Sept 4-30pm
Intermediate Championship Swinford v Mayo Gaels in Kiltimagh
Sunday 1st October 11am
Under 15 League Division 2A Swinford v Mayo Gaels
Monday 2nd October 6-30pm
Under League Div 4A Claremorris v Swinford
Saturday 7th October 11am
Under 11 Go Games Kiltimagh v Swinford
Sunday 8th October 11am
Under 15 League Division 2A Carras v Swinford
Swinford Football Club Fixtures
Swinford F.C
September 30th @ 12 noon Boys U-14 Division 4A
Swinford B v Charlestown
September 30th @ 2pm Boys U-14 SFAI Cup
Swinford v Newtown
October 1st @ 2pm FAI Junior Cup
Swinford v Claremorris
Swinford Comhaltas Weekly Traditional Music
This Thursday September 28th, Traditional Music Seisuin will be in Horkan’s
5th October Boland’s
12th October Mellett’s
19th October The Sheepwalk
26th October Gateway Hotel
2nd November Quinns Bar
Swinford Cultural Centre
In this week’s update in The Cultural Centre and Meeting room is as follows.
For Further Details Contact: 094-9052006/087 4007045 or email sccbookings@mayococo.ie
THURSDAY 28th: 1pm-2pm- Pat Kirby Fitness
3.30pm-8pm-Morrison Ballet
5pm-6pm-Jiving Juniors (Meeting Room)
8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
FRIDAY 29th: 7pm-9pm-Make-up with Megan (Meeting Room)
SATURDAY 30th: 10am-4pm- ECM Dance
MONDAY 2nd: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
1pm-2pm- Pat Kirby Fitness
4.30pm-5.30pm- ECM Dance
7pm-8pm- Pat Kirby Fitness
7.30pm-9pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
8pm-9pm-Widows Group (Meeting Room)
TUESDAY 3rd: 4.30pm-6.30pm-Resilience Building for Children (Meeting room)
7.30pm-9pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
WEDNESDAY 4th: 10am-11am -That’s So Shelly Fitness
5pm-9pm-Giggles Drama Class
5.45pm-7.45pm-Tusla-Parenting Course (Meeting Room)
8pm-10pm- Active Minds (Meeting Room)
There is a 6 week “living well with arthritis” course starting Wednesday 13th September 2017 and for 6 consecutive Wednesdays in the Gateway Hotel, Swinford from 10.30am – 1.00pm. Book online at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/living-well-with-arthritis-course-swinfort-tickets-36403846886 or call 01 6470206 between 9.30-5.00pm
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Tutors needed to tutor over 55’s on computers/tablets/smartphones to help learners navigate the Internet and gain confidence using their device
Age Action runs courses (each course lasts for 5 weeks, 2 hours per week) in the Swinford Library, on Wednesdays from 10.00 and 12.00. Classes are generally run on a 1:1 or 1:2 basis and both tutors and learners find the classes rewarding and fun. Good computer skills and fluent English needed but patience and good humour just as important! We’re looking for interested tutors for the new cycle starting in September. Call Helen at Age Action on 087 1956047 or email helen.murray@ageaction.ie. Training provided
B – Fit Swinford
Fitness classes take place in Swinford Community Centre on Monday 8-30pm – 9-30pm and Wednesday 8pm – 9pm, Thursday 9-30am – 10-30am, Saturday 11am – 12pm. €5 pay as you go. Contact Alan 087 2397225/ Declan 087 6725419
Early year’s music course
Barney’s Busy Bee’s parents and toddlers are holding a Sound World Early Years Music course, every Wednesday 10am and 11.30am in Barnacogue NS. This is a learning and development programme with many fun filled music activities, with parent and child interact, Cost €3. Any queries contact Barnacogue NS on 0949367440 or 0872024788.
Swinford Mens Shed
Workshop continues every Thursday evening from 7pm to 9pm at the Mens Shed at Kilkelly Road, Swinford.
If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday afternoon. Thanks