Swinford GAA
Winner of the Swinford GAA 50/50 draw held in Mellett’s was Jimmy and Rose Harte who won €313. The winning envelope was bought in Corrib Oil.
Swinford Community Lotto
The numbers drawn were
3, 6, 8 & 22
Prize Winners
€70 Voucher Attracta Price, Cullane
€70 Voucher M.J. Egan c/o Moores
€35 XL (Mace), Swinford
There was no jackpot winner. Next weeks Jackpot is €12,400
Computer and Business Course in Swinford
Swinford VTOS is currently seeking applicants for their Computer and Business course which is due to commence in September 2020. The course which leads to a QQI award at level 5 provides unemployed adults with the opportunity of returning to education, updating their skills and improving their employment prospects.
The Course is free and adults who are over 21 and in receipt of social welfare for at least 6 months are eligible for the course. Participants aged under 26 may be entitled to the maximum jobseeker’s rate of €203 per week. Childcare support is also available.
For further information, contact Emer at 086 0610009 or email emermullins@msletb.ie
Swinford Cultural Centre
THURSDAY 24th: 3.30pm-8pm-Morrison Ballet
FRIDAY 25th: 9am-11am- Slimway
SATURDAY 26th: 10am-5pm-ECM Dance
8pm-9pm- Meeting
MONDAY 28th: 4.30pm-6.30pm-Slimway
TUESDAY 29th: 4pm-5.30pm-Jiving Juniors
WEDNESDAY 30th: 4pm-7pm-Giggles- Children’s Drama Classes
8pm-9pm- Active Minds
Call 094-9064740 or 087-4007045 if you would like to book a slot.
If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday 6pm. Thank You.