Swinford 250 and More
The organising committee of ‘Swinford 250 and more’ extends an invitation to all members of the community – individuals, clubs, societies, groups and businesses – to attend an Information Evening in the Gateway Hotel on Tuesday 23rd October at 8pm. This will provide an opportunity to showcase the numerous events scheduled for 2019 to celebrate the existence of our town for 250 years and more. The committee urges as many people as possible to attend from all sectors of our community.
Card Game
25 Card game resumes in Meelick Community Centre on Tuesdays 9th October 9pm. All welcome.
Swinford Camera Club
As always new members are very welcome to join the club. Swinford Camera Club is a friendly, helpful and very welcoming group.
The club meet on 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 8pm, in the Gateway Hotel. If you are interested in photography, why not come along to a meeting?
Swinford & District Gardening Club
Calling on all those interested in Wildlife matters!!!!!
At the next meeting of Swinford & District Gardening Club in the Gateway Hotel at 8.30pm on Tuesday October 23rd, Siobhan Ward will give a talk on Invasive plant species such as Japanese Knotweed, which has caused concern in our area, and also protected species of animals in Ireland.
All are welcome to attend.
Remembrance Service
on the 13th of October in the Christian Fellowship, The Mall, Castlebar at 3pm.
followed by refreshments afterwards.
Golf club card game
Golf club card game resumes on Thursday 18th October. All welcome
Féile na Samhna 2018
The 8th annual Féile na Samhna will take place in Swinford during the October bank holiday weekend ( October 26th to 29th). As in previous years we are planning a great weekend of music, song, dance, recitation and storytelling. We will have pub sessions, workshops, talks and presentations with special guests, The Rambling House on Sunday evening and all the usual events. As this is the 60th anniversary of the Michael Davitt branch we are preparing a special presentation on the history of the branch and on Fleadhs and events over the years. We would really appreciate help from anyone who can give us information. If you have, or know of someone who has, photographs, memorabilia or stories of Comhaltas in Swinford please get in contact with any member of Swinford Comhaltas and
we’ll be delighted to talk to you.
You can email cceswinford@gmail.com or call/text 087-7454032 or leave a message in Ray Lambe’s and we’ll contact you.
Maths Grinds, Swinford Area(Individuals & Groups)
Teacher with over 10 years experience teaching Maths and Applied Maths to all levels. Get in touch if you would like to discuss the coming year 2018/19. Call 087 9064865 – Places limited.
Saturday Evening Mass Choir
The Saturday evening choir is looking for new members. Adults or teenagers with an interest in singing or playing music are invited to join the choir. Call up to the gallery any Saturday evening 6.30pm or contact Marie on 0872805222.
Swinford Comhaltas
This weeks Thursday evening Seisuin (11th) is in Mellett’s from approx. 9-30pm.
October 11th Mellett’s
October 18th The Whitehouse
October 25th The Sheepwalk
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
This weeks draw was held in The Sheepwalk and won by Kevin Campbell, Fraun Hill. The Prize was €566.
Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through
www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks.
Next draw is in Horkan’s on October 16th.
Draw envelopes are available at €2 and 3 for €5 and online at www.swinfordgaa.ie
Swinford GAA Club Fixtures
Under 15 League Division 2B
12th Oct 5-30pm Swinford v Ardnaree
Under 15 League Division 2B
14th Oct 11am Swinford v Erris St Pats
Under 21 B Championship
14th October 1pm Swinford v Hollymount-Carramore
Connacht Post Primary Junior D League
15th Oct 12-30pm Mean Scoil Muire agus Padraig v Colaiste Mhuire Ballygar
Connacht Post Primary Senior League
17th Oct 12-30pm St Tiernans v Scoil Muire agus Padraig
Connacht Post Primary Junior D League
22nd Oct 12-20pm Davitt College v Mean Scoil Muire agus Padraig
Swinford GAA are holding a Racenight in Gateway Hotel on Friday 26th October at 9pm. All support welcome. If you wish to buy a horse for €20 please contact a club officer.
Swinford Football Club
Swinford FC Club Crest
Swinford Golf/Soccer draw
Draw No. 22 was held.
1,000 Euro Philip O’Donnell, Claremorris
300 Euro Scoil Muire agus Padraig, Swinford
200 Euro Aidan Gaughan, Midfield, Swinford
Thanks to all for supporting our draw. Their are 2 draws every month for 12 months. All results are available on the Golf and Soccer websites.
Swinford Community Lotto
Swinford Community Lotto results for October 8th 2018
Winning Numbers
€70 Local Shopping Voucher Winners
Philip & Geraldine Irwin, C/O The Sheepwalk
J. Sweeney, Church Lane, Swinford
3 Number Winners
Next draw on Monday the 15th of October in The Sheepwalk Bar, where the Jackpot will Be €6200
Swinford Cultural Centre
Below are the coming weeks events/classes that will be held in Swinford Cultural Centre.
All classes are in the Cultural centre unless stated.
THURSDAY 11th: 6.45-7.45- That’s So Shelly Fitness
10am-1pm- Learning to Speak up for Myself Course (Meeting Room)
10.30am-12.30pm-Go for Life Games
1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby-Bums & Tums
2pm-3pm-Baby Massage (Meeting Room)
3.30pm-8pm-Morrison Ballet
8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
FRIDAY 12th 6.45am-7.45am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
9.30am-10.30am- Slimway Weight loss class
6.30pm-7.30pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
SATURDAY 13th: 10am-4pm-ECM Dance
MONDAY 15th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby-Yogalates
7pm-8pm-Pat Kirby-Candlelight Yogalates
TUESDAY 16th: 6.45am-7.45am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
7pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
WEDNESDAY 17th: 7am-8am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
10am-12pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
4pm-7pm-Giggles Drama Class
8pm-10pm- Active Minds (Meeting Room)
If you have any queries or to book a room Contact: 094-9052006/087 4007045 (9am-5.30pm Week days. Text outside of these hours).
Yogalates & Bums & Tums
2 Yogalates Classes Run Every Monday In The Cultural Centre Swinford.
First at 1pm Lunchtime Yogalates, this is a 45 minute Class. The second is Yogalates By Candlelight at 7pm and runs for 1 Hour. Both Classes are For Beginners so join anytime and Classes are Pay As You Go. We start with Yoga Poses so you can start To Heal and Breathe Then Pilates For Strengthening Your Core, then we move on To Stretching To Renew Your Muscles and Help with Posture and Finish with Relaxation. Please Bring your own Mat, Blanket and Cushion. This is Good For Chronic Conditions, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, High Blood Pressure & Fatigue To name a few. For further Information please Contact Ros on 0872617309
Bums & Tums in The Cultural Centre every Thursday Lunchtime at 1pm. A 45 min Class To Strengthen and Stretch Those Problem errors and help tone and scuplt your Body. Classes Run Throughout The Summer Join anytime, Pay As You Go. For further information Please Contact Ros on 0872617309.
Home Sharers Required
Would you be interested in sharing your home and supporting a service user for a few hours per day, a couple days per month, or long term. We are looking for single people, couples, married people and/or families to provide short respite for children and adults in the local area.
If you are interested or want more information please contact The Home Sharing, Social Work Dept. on 094 9025133
Friends of the Willows
Friends of the Willows, a local mental health charity are looking for new volunteers, committee members, energy and ideas? If you think you can be of assistance, contact Collette at 087 6732381.
If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday afternoon. Thank You