Swinford Camera Club
Swinford Camera Clubs next meeting is on this Wednesday the 15th of November. As always new members are very welcome to join the club. Swinford Camera Club is a friendly, helpful and very welcoming group. We meet every 1st & 3rd Wednesday evening at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel. If you are interested in photography, why not come along to a meeting?
Zest for Living
Swinford community group, Active Minds, in partnership with Mayo North East is organizing a Zest for Life training programme in the Cultural Centre, Swinford on Wednesday 8th November at 8.00pm. It will be held each Wednesday for six weeks. The training will encourage you to engage with a greater sense of self-awareness while creating a healthy self-esteem. You will learn new life skills and meet new friends.
Places are limited and must be pre-booked by contacting Angela at 0851534062
Training is funded under The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme
Swinford Scouts
Beavers and Cubs resume meeting on Thursday October 12th – Beavers from 6.30 to 7.30pm and Cubs 7.30 to 8.30pm. All registered members will be contacted confirming the details. Places are still available in each section – to register your interest or for further details please email swinfordmayo24@gmail.com
Killasser Community Centre News
KCC-Social Dancing
Anyone interested in learning how to dance? A dance class will start at 8.30pm on Thursday 7th September in Killasser Community Centre. The classes are suitable for beginners and Improvers and you will have an opportunity to learn how to Jive, Waltz, Foxtrot and try other dance styles. The classes will last for 8 weeks and cost €80 for adults and €40 for children. Full payment on the first night. Contact Frank at 087 980 9432. All Welcome!
KCC-Badminton Classes
We are looking to start badminton classes in October, more than likely on a Tuesday night.
We would like to see if there is an interest in this activity and so if you are interested in participating this please contact Paul Hyland at 087 6109192. All Welcome!
Congrats to Eoin Rowley, Cloonainra, Killasser (son of John Rowley) who won €510 in the Killasser Community Centre Oct 50/50 draw. Well done
Killasser Folk Group/Gospel Choir
Any singers and musicians interested in forming a folk group/gospel choir in the Killasser area please contact Marie Anne Noone at 087 9035533 or e-mail frjohnd@gmail.com or marieanne.noone@gmail.com Membership from outside Killasser very welcome.
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
This week’s draw was held in The Sheepwalk and Marie Philbin of Lislackagh won €516. Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks. The winning envelope was sold in Eurospar.
Next draw is in Horkans on 21st November
Draw envelopes are available at €2 and 3 for €5 and online at www.swinfordgaa.ie
Swinford GAA
Under 21 B Championship Sunday 19th November 12pm Swinford v Davitts
Swinford GAA AGM
Forms for nominations and motions are available from the club secretary. Please make contact on secretary.swinford.mayo@gaa.ie if you wish to avail of these.
Closing date for nominations and motions is Thursday 16th November. Full details on our website www.swinfordgaa.ie
Swinford Athletics Club
This week’s jackpot of €150 was won by Eurospar Syndicate. Envelopes are available in most business premises for €2 each or 3 for €5.
Swinford Comhaltas
The AGM of Michael Davitt branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Eireann will be held in Scoil Muire agus Treasa, Swinford NS this Wednesday night Nov 15th at 8.30pm. It is hoped that all branch members will attend and new members, as always, are very welcome.
Swinford Cultural Centre
This week’s update in The Cultural Centre and Meeting room is as follows.
For Further Details Contact: 094-9052006/087 4007045 or email sccbookings@mayococo.ie
THURSDAY 16th: 10.30am-12.30pm-Go for Life Games
1pm-1.45pm- Pat Kirby-Bums and Tums
3.30pm-8pm-Morrison Ballet
8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
FRIDAY 17th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
7pm-8pm-Siobhan Phillips-Nia Workout
SATURDAY 18th: 10am-4pm- ECM Dance
SUNDAY 19th: Hospice Shop Christmas Fayre
MONDAY 20th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby-Lunchtime Yogalates
4.30pm-5.30pm-ECM Dance
7pm-8pm-Pat Kirby-Yogalates by Candlelight
7.30pm-9pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
TUESDAY 21st: 12.30pm-2pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
4.30pm-6.30pm-Resilience Building for Children (Meeting Room)
7.30pm-9pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
7pm-8pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
8.15pm-9.15pm-Swinford Tri-Sports-Spinning
WEDNESDAY 22nd: 5pm-8.30pm-Giggles Drama Class
8pm-10pm- Active Minds (Meeting Room)
8.30pm-9.30pm-Siobhan Phillips-Nia Workout
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Tutors needed to tutor over 55’s on computers/tablets/smartphones to help learners navigate the Internet and gain confidence using their device
Age Action runs courses (each course lasts for 5 weeks, 2 hours per week) in the Swinford Library, on Wednesdays from 10.00 and 12.00. Classes are generally run on a 1:1 or 1:2 basis and both tutors and learners find the classes rewarding and fun. Good computer skills and fluent English needed but patience and good humour just as important! We’re looking for interested tutors for the new cycle starting in September. Call Helen at Age Action on 087 1956047 or email helen.murray@ageaction.ie. Training provided
Swinford Gardening Club
Swinford Gardening Club’s next trip will take place on Saturday Nov 25th. Kildare Village Outlet Shopping, Newbridge Silver Visitor Centre and Museum and Whitewater Shopping Centre will be visited. Bus, breakfast and dinner included for 60 euro.
contact Angela on 0874657978.
B – Fit Swinford
Fitness classes take place in Swinford Community Centre on Monday 8-30pm – 9-30pm, Wednesday morning 9-30am – 10-30am (Women only) and Wednesday 8pm – 9pm, Saturday 11am – 12pm. €6/€3 student pay as you go. Contact Alan 087 2397225/ Declan 087 6725419
Early year’s music course
Barney’s Busy Bee’s parents and toddlers are holding a Sound World Early Years Music course, every Wednesday 10am and 11.30am in Barnacogue NS. This is a learning and development programme with many fun filled music activities, with parent and child interact, Cost €3. Any queries contact Barnacogue NS on 0949367440 or 0872024788.
Swinford Mens Shed
Workshop continues every Thursday evening from 7pm to 9pm at the Mens Shed at Kilkelly Road, Swinford.
Swinford Community Lotto
No Results at time of publishing
Golf Club 25 Card Game
Winners from November 9th card game were Val Hyland and Francis Rowley 2nd & 3rd shared by Geraldine Turbitt, Detta Ryder, Marty Munnelly, Philip Moore, Mark Munnelly and Margaret Sweeney
Spots were won by Seamus Gallagher, Jimmy O’Donnell, Gerry Ronayne and Gerry Hennigan
Raffle prizes were won by Val Hyland,Mary Higgins, Ann Rowley and Margaret Sweeney
The Card Game continues every Thursday night at 9pm all Card players welcome
Adapted Water Therapy – Claremorris
Water Therapy Classes for people with Arthritis & Fibromyalgia Starting Thursday 9th of November x 6 weeks in the McWilliam Park Hotel Pool at 10.00am – Call 094-9378048 or email: arthritismayobranch@gma
Water acts as a buoyancy making it easier to exercise and move. This places less strain on joints, muscles, and tendons. The resistance that water provides gives benefits in terms of building strength and stamina for Individuals that has reduced or limited mobility as they can perform exercises they are unable to do out of the pool. If you have Arthritis or Fibromyalgia why don’t you join our class and feel the benefits of exercise in our supportive group.
If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday afternoon. Thanks