Swinford Notes February 7th 2018

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Healthcare Support Training

Mayo North East LEADER Partnership Company is organising a free Healthcare Support Training Course, QQI Level 5, in Swinford for unemployed people or people in part-time employment who are interested in pursuing a career as a care assistant. Garda Vetting must be successfully completed. Training will commence one day per week on 13th February 2018 and conclude in August 2018. Please contact Dolores McNicholas at 0877704251 or alternatively email dmcnicholas@mayonortheast.com to secure a place on the course. This training is funded under The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme.

Humbert Duathlon

Swinford Triathlon are hosting Series 4 of Ireland West Duathlon Series on Sunday February 25th 2018 at 10am. This is an open event and involves a 4.5 km run followed by a 20km cycle and ending with a 3km run. The course is flat and is suitable for both the novice and the more experienced competitor. If you do not feel like doing the full event, there is always the option of participating in a relay team. Further details relating to course and entry are available from www.swinfordtriathlon.com. Any difficulties please contact info@swinfordtriathlon.com

Killasser Folk Group/Gospel Choir

Any singers and musicians interested in forming a folk group/gospel choir in the Killasser area please contact Marie Anne Noone at 087 9035533 or e-mail frjohnd@gmail.com or marieanne.noone@gmail.com Membership from outside Killasser very welcome.

Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw

This weeks draw was held in Julian’s and Eurospar Syndicate won €522
Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks.
Next draw is in Bolands on 13th February.
Draw envelopes are available at €2 and 3 for €5 and online at www.swinfordgaa.ie

Swinford GAA Club News

Swinford GAA are having a table quiz in The Whitehouse on Friday 16th February at 9pm. Please support.

Swinford Underage Development Programme Fundraiser on Saturday 3rd March in The Three Counties, Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago. The purpose of the development programme is to pay for a full time individual to support GAA development in all the local schools.
Raffle on the night to include Signed All Ireland Galway Hurling Jersey, two All-Ireland Hurling Final tickets, Signed Mayo Jersey and more prizes on the night. Please let your family and friends in Chicago know of this event.


Swinford Football Club

Swinford FC - Soccer Club

Swinford FC Club Crest

Week 6 Fixture:

Connacht Shield
Sunday March 4th TBC
Hudson Bay v Swinford

Swinford Golf/Soccer draw

The Swinford Golf/Soccer draw results for the 5th Draw are as follows:1st Prize €1000 Michelle and Philip Irwin Glenamoy, 2nd Prize €300 Maureen & Marty Noone, Culduff, Killasser and 3rd Prize €200 Paul Benson, Sion Hill, Castlebar.
The organisers would like to thank everyone who supports our draw.

Swinford Comhaltas

There is a Comhaltas Seisuin every Thursday, below are the up coming locations.

Thursday 15th Whitehouse 9-30pm – Youth session 7-30pm

Thursday 22nd February Sheepwalk 9-30pm


Swinford Cultural Centre

Below are the coming weeks events/classes that will be held in Swinford Cultural Centre.
All are in the cultural centre unless stated.

THURSDAY 8th: 10.30am-12.30pm-Go for Life Games
1pm-1.45pm- Pat Kirby-Bums and Tums
3.30pm-8pm-Morrison Ballet
8pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
FRIDAY 9th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
7pm-10pm-Mayo GAA Child Protection Course
SATURDAY 10th: 10am-4pm-ECM Dance
MONDAY 12th: 10am-11am- That’s So Shelly Fitness
1pm-2pm-Pat Kirby-Lunchtime Yogalates
4.30pm-5.30pm-ECM Dance
7pm-8pm-Pat Kirby-Yogalates by Candlelight
7.30pm-9pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
TUESDAY 13th: 1pm-2pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
4.30pm-6.30pm-Resilience Building for Children (Meeting Room)
7.30pm-9pm-Kathryn Gavaghan-Meditation (Meeting Room)
7pm-9pm- That’s So Shelly Fitness
WEDNESDAY 14th: 5pm-8pm-Giggles Drama
8.30pm-9.30pm-Siobhan Phillips-Nia Workout
8pm-10pm- Active Minds (Meeting Room)

If you have any queries or to book a room Contact: 094-9052006/087 4007045 (9am-5.30pm Week days. Text outside of these hours) or email sccbookings@mayococo.ie

B – Fit Swinford

Fitness classes take place in Swinford Community Centre on Monday 8-30pm – 9-30pm, Wednesday morning 9-30am – 10-30am (Women only), Wednesday 8pm – 9pm and Saturday 11am – 12pm. €6/€3 student pay as you go. Contact Alan 087 2397225/ Declan 087 6725419

The Swinford Community Lotto

Jackpot Winner was Laura Groarke of Killasser winning €17,200
The numbers were:10, 20, 27 & 29
€70 Shopping Voucher Winners:

Alan Gill & Sean Philbin

3 Number Winners

Angela & Aine Brennan

Maria Kearns

Terry Mellon

Linda Campbell

Mickey McNeela

Carmel Gallagher

Next weeks Jackpot is €3,000 and the draw is on Monday February 12th in Moores.

Golf Club 25 Card Game

Results from Thursday February 1st 2018:

1st Maureen Morley & Mary Higgins 2nd Mark Munnelly & Margaret Sweeney 3rd prize was shared by Jim O’Donnell, Seamus Gallagher & Jerry Hennigan and Gerry Ronayne
Spots prizes were won by Philip Irwin, Ann Rowley, Cailin Gallogly and Martin McNeela
Raffle prizes were Philip Irwin, Cailin Gallogly and Phyllis Bredican

The card game is held every Thursday, all are welcome.

Our 25 Card Game on Thursday 15th February will be held in the Gateway Hotel @ 9pm there will be €500 in prizes Admission is €10, all are welcome.

If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday afternoon. Thanks

Author: John Dunne

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