Swinford Notes February 3rd 2016
Half Ironman And Sprint Triathlon
Swinford Tri Sports launched the return of the Humbert Half Ironman and Sprint Triathlons at the Gateway Hotel recently.
The events will be held on August 7th starting at Callow Lake and finishing at Swinford Amenity Park.
There are many options to suit all levels of fitness and include a duathlon and relay option.
Details are available on the new website www.swinford-triathlon.com where you can enter and avail of the early bird prices.
Finally Swinford Tri Sports would like to thank O’Connell’s Pharmacy for their generous sponsorship.
Dinner Dance
The Achonry Regional PTAA annual dinner dance will take place in the Gateway Hotel on Friday February 19th.
Tickets are available from Thomas Marren 087 2344338 or from Yvonne Moore in Moore’s Supermarket.
Rural Transport
Due to the retirement of one of the operators there will be a change of drivers from Tuesday, February 2nd for the Local Link (Rural Transport) Bus service which operates every Tuesday servicing Kiltimagh, Barnacogue, Swinford & Charlestown.
There will be no change to the bus service.
Call the office for seat reservations or any queries at 094 9047642 or email info@mayocommunity-transport.ie
The Abbey Theatre visits Swinford Cultural Centre
On Tuesday February 2nd Swinford Cultural Centre was privileged to welcome The Abbey Theater with their touring production of “Me Mollser”.
“Me Mollser” is a specially commissioned monologue play which introduces ”The Plough and the Stars” by Sean O’Casey to a younger audience. It tells the story around the 1916 Easter Rising through the magical power of a performance and workshop. Three performances were held on the day with over 150 students in attendance from Swinford NS, Killasser NS, Culmore NS, Barnacogue NS, Midfield NS and St. Joseph’s Community College, Charlestown.
Anglers AGM
All members of East Mayo Anglers Association are cordially invited to the AGM of East Mayo Anglers Association which will take place in the Gateway Hotel on Monday, February 8th at 9 o’clock.
Karate table Quiz Fundraiser
Stall Holders Needed
Family Carers Ireland are looking for stall holders for a fundraising event on the 26th February in the Harlequin Plaza from 7.30pm-10.00pm. Stall in the areas of; Fashion/health and accessories.
For more information please contact Bernadette/Doreen on 0949060305.
Heartfulness, Relaxation and Meditation
Monday February 8th at 7pm in the Parochial House Swinford
Free and open to all over 16 years
Contact 086 0700681 if you require further information.
Swinford Tidy Towns
Swinford Tidy Towns committee have requested All Candidates and All Parties in the upcoming general election to refrain from putting up election posters inside the Swinford town boundaries. Numerous tidy towns groups in towns and villages all over Ireland now request candidates to refrain from erecting election posters inside town & village boundaries. We would ask all election agents to please notify contractors employed to erect election posters of our request. We would also ask them when removing posters to please take away the cable ties including any other cable ties left behind and recycle them appropriately.
We would like to wish all General Election Candidates the best of luck and thank them for their cooperation.
More information www.swinfordtidytowns.com/general-election-poster-free-zone-swinford/
Golf Card Game Results
1st Philip Irwin, Ann Rowley
2nd/3rd shared by Margaret Waters, Sean Quinn, Philip Moore, Tommy Bredican
Swinford Community Lotto Results
Results for February 1st 2016
50/50 Draw
A winner every week!
This weeks draw for Swinford GAA 50/50 draw was held in Quinns on Tuesday 2nd February and Neil Fallon won €708. Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks. Next draw is in Sheepwalk on the 9th February. Draw envelopes are now also available at 3 for €5.
Club membership is now open for 2016, please contact a club officer or visit our website.
The price of membership remains the same as previous years:
Adult Player: €60,
Non-Playing Membership €20,
Under 18: €40, 2 children in family €70 and 3 or more children in family €100.
Strength & Conditioning Training
The gym upstairs in the community centre will be open for strength and conditioning from 7pm to 10 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening for Swinford GAA members with a qualified coach at each session. Each session costs €2 and there will be a sign in book in operation.
Michael Walsh Intermediate League
The 2016 Michael Walsh Intermediate league begins on the weekend of the 20/21 February. The draw takes place on Monday 8th February. Details will follow on our website.
GAA National Club Draw
Tickets at €10 each are available from club officers or online at www.swinfordgaa.ie for the 2016 GAA National Club draw with great prizes to be won.
If you have a forthcoming event of notice that you would like mentioned in our Swinford Notes please email Swinfordnotes.ie