Swinford GAA
The club 50/50 draw was held in Gateway Hotel and Rosin Prendergast won €309.
Swinford Community Lotto
The numbers drawn were
1, 21, 28 & 30
€70 Local Shopping Voucher Winners
D Rowley, Culmore
Campbells staff, Main Street
3 Number Winner
Therese Hennigan, Cloonfinish
No jackpot winner, next week jackpot €11,200
Swinford Golf Club Results
Angel Memorial Garden
The organising committee would like to say a big “Thank you ” to everyone who took the time to vote over the last few days on the new name for their project. The new name is a vital decision and they are happy to get everyone involved in helping choose the name. The choice was between “THE BUTTERFLY GARDEN” and “ANGEL MEMORIAL GARDEN” . The votes were tallied and the official numbers were 44 for “BUTTERFLY GARDEN” and 20 for “ANGEL MEMORIAL GARDEN” . They are happy to announce that they will be changing the name to “THE BUTTERFLY GARDEN”. The committee are currently working hard behind the scenes ,drawing up plans and securing a location in what can only be described as strange times. The committee plan to keep everyone up to date as the project progresses. Currently on their Facebook page they are asking the public to assist with any Covid friendly fundraising ideas they may have. So please keep fundraising ideas coming in!! The Committee want everyone to feel involved in this community project and are focusing on creating a community garden filled with love and celebration for all angels and hope to announce their first fundraiser very soon.. Feel free to follow them on FACEBOOK.
If you wish to include anything on Swinford Notes please e-mail swinfordnotes@swinford.ie by Tuesday 6pm. Thank You.