Swinford Notes 23rd March 2016
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Swinford Tidy Towns Annual Good Friday Spring Clean
Swinford drama group
Cyclists Needed
Table Quiz
A fun table quiz will be held in the Gateway Hotel on Friday April 1st at 9pm.
Proceeds to Swinford Mayo 24th Scouts. Please come along and support the local group whilst also enjoying what is promised to be a good night out.
A fundraiser night will be held in Walsh’s pub Charlestown, on April 2nd at 9.30pm to assist Marion & John Kennedy, Bushfield send their son to Medjugorje.
Raffle on the night and donations at the door. Please support this worthy cause.
Contact Caroline on 086 1757719 for further information.
Swinford Indoor Country Market
Swinford Indoor Country Market is on Saturday the 2nd of April from 9.30-2pm at Swinford Cultural Centre (beside the new library).
As always we have a busy day planned for the whole family.
Our wide range of lovely stalls are there with a large variety of local produce on offer: veg, cakes, breads, preserves, plants, crafts, jewellery and much more will be available.
The Railway cafe is also there to sit down and relax while enjoying the live music and having a lovely cup of tea with some homemade cake.
We’ll be looking forward to seeing you all there.
1916 Rising Commemoration Event
The members of the Michael Davitt Branch of Comhaltas are planning to commemorate the 1916 Rising on Saturday April 23rd at 8pm in the Cultural Centre.
The commemoration will include music, song, dance & poetry.
If you would like to be involved please contact any branch member or email cceswinford@gmail.com.
St Patrick’s College Reunion 1961
A reunion of the first year class of 1961 and all those who joined the class to Leaving Certificate 1966 in St Patrick’s College Swinford will take place on June 25th at 4 o’clock.
The evening will start with a photo shoot at the College with refreshments afterwards.
For more information contact Willie Rooney on 087 2921410 or email will47r@gmail.com or Thomas Marren 087 2344338 or email thomasjmarren@gmail.com
Congratulations Everyday Solution
Congratulations to local band Everyday Solution who supported Shane Filan on his “Right Here” tour in Ireland.
The band played Ulster Hall, Belfast, Cork Opera House and the Olympia, Dublin.
Well done lads!
Swinford Community Lotto Results
Swinford Community Lotto Results for March 21st 2016
50/50 Draw
This weeks draw was held in The Whitehouse and Roisin Tansey won €1,120. Thanks to all our supporters.
Envelopes are available in most business premises and online through www.swinfordgaa.ie where tickets can be purchased in bundles of 10/25/52 weeks. Next draw is in Melletts on the 29 March. Draw envelopes are now also available at 3 for €5.
Michael Walsh Intermediate League
Saturday 26th March 5pm Swinford v Moy Davitts in Parke
Under 16 Division 3
Ardnaree v Swinford on Sunday 27th March at 11am in Ardnaree
Swinford v Kilmeena – Sunday 3rd April 11am at Robert McCallion memorial Park
Under 14 Feile
Swinford, Aghamore, Ballyhaunis & Carras play a Feile tournament on Saturday 9th April with games at 11am, 12pm & 1pm at Robert McCallion Memorial Park & the Amenity Park.
Minor League Division A
Tuesday 29 March 18-00 Ballintubber v Swinford/Parke in Ballintubber
Tuesday 5th April 19-00 Ballyhaunis v Swinford/Parke in Ballyhaunis
Meelick results
Here is the results of card game held in Meelick on Tuesday 22nd March
Card Winners
1st 2nd & 3rd shared by
Virginia Heeran & Mary Byrne
Leo Murtagh & Michael Regan
John Gallagher Michael O’Neill
Phyllis Bredican & Maureen Morley
Seamus Conwell & Jimmy Jordan
1st Phillip Irwin
2nd Mary Higgins
3rd Esther Munnelly
4th Seamus Conwell
5th Maureen Morley
6th Dette Ryder
1st John Gallagher & Michael O’Neill
2nd Michael Moran
There is a game in Meelick next Tuesday and the Tuesday after at 9.00pm. They are fundraising for the Swinford Boxing Club, please support.
If you have a forthcoming event of notice that you would like mentioned in our Swinford Notes please email Swinfordnotes.ie