Swinford Notes – 19th November 2014
Senior Citizens Christmas Party
Senior Citizens Christmas Party will take place in Julian’s on Sunday 14th December commencing with Mass at 3pm, followed by dinner and entertainment. A pleasant evening is assured and new faces are always welcome.
If you would like to attend, please leave your name into Mellett’s Newsagency.
Swinford Golf Club 25 Drive Results
The winners of the 25 Drive held in Swinford Golf Club on Thursday 13th November were -:
1st & 2nd (shared)
Tom Bredican and Annie McNeela
Mary Byrne and Virginia Heeran
3rd (shared)
Michael O’Neill and Peter Geraghty
Marty Munnelly and Dette Ryder
Jim O’Donnell and Seamus Gallagher
Verona McNulty and Tom Durkin
Winners of the Spot Prizes
Michael O’Neill and Peter Geraghty
Patty Hanley and Phyllis Bredican
Raffle Winners
1st Philip Irwin
2nd Michael Lynskey
3rd Mary Higgins
The next Swinford Golf Club 25 drive will be on Thursday 20th November at 9pm. Everyone is welcomed to attend.
Swinford Community Lotto Results
The winning numbers for November 17th
11, 20, 23, 29
€70 local shopping voucher winners:
Kathleen Devaney, Culmore
John Julian, Midfield
€35 winners:
Peter Walsh, Larch Hill
There were no jackpot winners and the Jackpot now stands at €11,800.
The next draw will be held on Monday 24th November in Julian’s, Midfield.
Swinford Gardening Club Events
Swinford Gardening Club will be holding a monthly meeting on beginners bee keeping with Helen Mooney Thompson from the Ballina Beekeepers on Tuesday 25th November at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel. Entry is €5 for non-members or you can become a club member for only €12.
Swinford Gardening Club will be holding a Christmas floral demonstration by Martina Flynn in aid of the Roisin Tansey Trust Fund on Tuesday 2nd December at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel.
All floral arrangements will be raffled on the night. Tickets are €10 available from local shops and club members or by phoning 087 6206607.
Aras Attracta 25 Drive Results
The winners of the 25 Drive held in Aras Attracta on Sunday 16th November were
1st & 2nd (shared)
Jimmy Jordan and Francis Rowley
John Byrne and Tom Dunne
3rd (shared)
Attracta Gavney and Sean Quinn
Phyllis Bredican and Maureen Morley
Winners of the Spot Prizes
Paddy Gallagher and Val Hyland
Phillip Moore and Tom Bredican
Raffle Winners
1st Sean Quinn
2nd Seamus Gallagher
3rd Phyllis Bredican
The next 25 drive will be on Sunday 23rd November at 8:30pm in Aras Attracta. New card players are always welcomed.
Swinford GAA 50/50 Draw
This week’s 50/50 draw was worth €1162 and was won by Ann Kirrane of Circular Road.
The next draw will take place in Quinn’s, Swinford on Tuesday 25th November.
Draw envelopes are widely available in Swinford’s shops and businesses and you can also play online.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated and who knows YOU may be the lucky winner next week.
Killasser Community Centre AGM
The Annual General Meeting of Killasser Community Centre will be held on Wednesday 3rd December at 8pm in the Community Centre.
Meelick 25 Drive Results
The winners of the 25 Drive held in Meelick Community Centre on Tuesday 18th November were -:
Tom Durkan and Tom Grady
2nd & 3rd (shared)
Mary Byrne and Virginia Heeran
John Gallagher and Michael O’Neill
Winners of the Spot Prizes
John Gallagher and Michael O’Neill (x2)
Raffle Winners
1st Jerry Royane
2nd Cannon Joyce
3rd Jimmy Walsh
4th Michael Ryan
5th Maureen Morley
The next Meelick 25 drive will be on Tuesday 25th November at 9pm in Meelick Community Centre. New card players are always welcomed.
Paddy Casey In Concert
Paddy Casey, one of Ireland’s most popular singer/songwriters, will be performing in the Swinford Cultural Centre on Saturday 29th November. Tickets cost €15 and are available from the Gateway Hotel, O’Connell’s Pharmacy and online from Swinford GAA or call Mick on 087 6837564.
Tickets are selling fast for what promises to be a great gig in a wonderful intimate venue. The number of tickets available are limited, so make sure you get yours before they sell out! All profits from the night go to Swinford National School.
For further information on this event, see our featured article here.
Parent & Toddler Group
Barneys Busy Bees parent and toddler group meet on Thursdays from 9:30am to 12noon in Barnacogue National School. Give your infant or toddler an opportunity to socialise and play in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Phone 094 9367440 for more details.
Swinford Cycling Club Spinning Classes
Spinning Classes will commence on Monday 24th November at 8pm in Community Centre, Swinford. Registration will start at 7.30pm and the classes will run for the next five weeks. The total cost to members (Swinford CC or Swinford Tri) will be €15 or if paying by the night €5 per session. The cost to non members will be €20 for the full five weeks.
Though some of our members have expressed an interest in doing a run beforehand it is important that spinning starts on time so perhaps it may be best to leave that on hold until after Monday night.
We have a few spare turbo trainers which can be made available if required. These will be given out on a first come first served basis.
Swinford Cycling Club would also like to remind you that they hold a cycle every Sunday morning departing at 9:15am sharp from Corrib Oil. There are various routes available to cater for all categories of cyclist from the novice right up to the more experienced bike rider.
All route maps and other updates are posted weekly on the Swinford Cycle Club Facebook page.
Hospice Shop Christmas Bazaar
The Hospice Shop Christmas Bazaar will be held in the Cultural Centre on Sunday 30th November. Doors open at 12 noon. There will be lots of Christmas gifts ideas, decorations, jewellery, bric-a-brac, books, dvds, cakes, teas and coffees, small items of furniture, health products, raffles, along with children’s entertainment and plenty of good music. A fun day out for all the family, Santa will also be visiting with lots of goodies, so see ye there!
If you have a forthcoming event or notice that you would like mentioned in next weeks Swinford Notes, please email: Swinfordnotes@swinford.ie