Swinford Notes 10th February 2016
Swinford St. Patricks Day Parade 2016
2016 sees Swinford celebrate its 65th St. Patricks day Parade since 1952. The 2016 theme is open.The Categories are Best Overall, Best Local Business, Best out of Town, Best School Band, most Humorous, Most topical, Most Original.
This is always a great family day out and we invite all of you to come out and enjoy the day in town. The parade will commence at 3pm. All participants are asked to have their entry forms returned to the St Patricks day box at the reception in the Gateway Hotel by Friday 11th at the latest. If you would like to discuss participating, please contact Cathal Kelly on 0876412785.
All participants are asked to be in the Tesco car park by 2.30pm and please co-operate with all stewards to ensure the safe and smooth running of the parade for all.
All local businesses, clubs, societies and organisations are asked to get involved in any way they can to make sure this special national day is a success. Whether it be by entering into the parade or decorating your premises, please do whatever you can.
The parade relies on all local finances to operate and all contributions are gratefully received. All businesses are asked to drop their contribution into the Box at the hotel reception.
For further information contact Cathal Kelly on 0876412785.
St Patricks day Meeting
A meeting will be held in the Gateway Hotel on Thursday 18th February at 8pm to discuss St. Patricks Day and any other events that could be planned around that weekend.
All welcome to attend.
Walk/Run (Irish Kidney Association)
The Mattie Carden Memorial 10K and 5k run/walk will take place on Saturday March 5th at 12.30pm in Enniscrone.
Registration is open on www.runireland.com or www.coretiming.com and will take place in the Ocean Sands Hotel Enniscrone on Friday March 4th from 7 – 9 o’clock and Saturday March 5th from 10am – 12 noon.
Entry fee of €15 for the 10k and the 5k.
The event is chip timed and the AAI accredited. Trophy prizes in different categories.
Finisher medals for the first 150 in the 10k and the first 50 in the 5k.
Further details can be found on our Facebook page.
All proceeds in aid of the Irish Kidney Association.
Fancy Dress Walk
Swinford Foróige are holding a fancy dress sponsored walk on February 15th.
This walk is a fundraiser for Swinford Foróige and members will be out and about with their cards in the coming week, so please support.
Weekly meetings on all sections of Swinford Mayo 24 Scouts resume this week.
Beavers on Monday 5.45 – 6.45pm in the Cultural Centre, Scouts & Ventures on Tuesday’s 7.30 – 8.30pm in the Amenity Park and Cubs on Thursday 7-8pm in the Amenity Park.
Anyone interested in becoming a leader or placing their child on the 2016 – 2017 waiting list please email the details to swinford-mayo24@gmail.com
“Turas Na Mban” Conference
A 2 day conference entitled Turas na mBan will be held in the Cultural Centre Swinford on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th February 2016.The Conference, which is a joint venture between Mayo County Council and Mayo North East, will explore the contribution of women to society from the legal profession to industry, medicine and folklore. Speakers include Ms. Justice Laffoy, Senator Marie-Louise O’Donnell, Mark Patrick Hederman, Abbot of Glenstal Abbey and Dr Rhona Mahony, Master National Maternity Hospital.
Booking is advisable on www.turasnamban.com or by calling 094-9256745.
Swinford & District Gardening Club
Swinford & District Gardening Club AGM will be held on Tuesday 23rd February at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel. A buffet supper and raffle will follow.
Looking forward to seeing all our members.
Pub Quiz
Angela Meehan plans to return again this year to South Africa with Mellon Educate to build a school in an impoverished town.
A fundraising pub quiz will be held in the Sheepwalk on Friday February 12th with all proceeds going towards the venture.
Please support this worthy cause there is a good night of fun guaranteed.
Stoma Support
A meeting of the Mayo Stoma Support Group will take place on Thursday February 18th at 7pm in Rock Rose House, Castlebar.
Guest speaker will attend.
New members welcome.
Family Carers Meeting
On the 22nd February there will be a Pre-Election Forum; Carers Meet Candidates in Breaffy House Hotel from 7.30pm. Claire Duffy (social Policy Manager of Family Carers Ireland) will be there to give a short presentation on our Carers Manifesto. After this there will be an open floor for carers to ask questions to candidates.
Please contact Berndatte/Doreen on 0949060305/0863775702 for more information.
Dinner Dance
The Achonry Regional PTAA annual dinner dance will take place in the Gateway Hotel on Friday February 19th.
Tickets are available from Thomas Marren 087 2344338 or from Yvonne Moore in Moore’s Supermarket.
Stall Holders Needed
Family Carers Ireland are looking for stall holders for a fundraising event on the 26th February in the Harlequin Plaza from 7.30pm-10.00pm. Stall in the areas of; Fashion/health and accessories.
For more information please contact Bernadette/Doreen on 0949060305.
Golf Club 25 Drive Results
Latest results from the 4th February
Swinford Community Lotto Results
Swinford Community Lotto Results for February 8th 2016
Meelick Card Results
Here is the results of card game held in Meelick on Tuesday 9th February.
Card Winners
1st Ann & Brian Rowley
2nd & 3rd was shared by
Mary Byrne & Virginia Heerin
John Gallagher & Michael O’Neill
Cannon Michael Joyce & Brian McNulty
Maureen Morley & Phyllis Bredican
1st Patricia Rowley
2nd Maureen Morley
3rd Val Hyland
4th Tom Durkan
5th Michael Moran
Michael & Gerry Moran
Eddie Bredican & Pat Molloy
Games continue every Tuesday at 9pm in Meelick, please support.
A winner every week!
This weeks draw for Swinford GAA 50/50 draw was held in Sheepwalk on Tuesday 9th February and Eddie Ryland of Oakdrive, Swinford won €745.
Next draw is in Horkans on the 16th February. Draw envelopes are now also available at 3 for €5.
A meeting of Swinford GAA club will take place in the Gateway Hotel on Saturday evening 20th February at 6pm. All members are asked to attend.
The 2016 Michael Walsh Intermediate league begins on the weekend of the 20/21 February. We have been drawn in Group 3 with Westport, Bonniconlon and Parke/Keelogues. Crimlin. Fixtures will follow on our website swinfordgaa.ie
If you have a forthcoming event of notice that you would like mentioned in our Swinford Notes please email Swinfordnotes.ie