Operation Transformation Swinford
It is that time of year again when we try to burn off our extra pounds gained from the endless tins of roses, mince pies and turkey dinners! This year, help is at hand with Operation Transformation Swinford. Everyone is invited to join the group and their first walk will take place on Wednesday, 7th January 2014 at 7pm. The group will meet at the front door of Eurospar, Swinford to register and do a gentle warm up before setting off on a group walk. The aim of the initiative is to improve peoples health while having fun and healthy refreshments will be served in Eurospar after the walk.
The committee have asked participants to arrive a little early to register as the walk will start at 7pm sharp. More events will be announced on Monday so please like or request to join their Facebook page Operation Transformation Swinford to keep up to date with all events. This is a community event and your support would be appreciated..