On Saturday, 3 November the people of Killasser will celebrate the 150th Jubilee of the dedication of the Church of All Saints. In preparation for the event, the church and the ground have undergone some renovations and are looking very well. A special Mass of thanksgiving will be concelebrated at 3pm. Following the Mass, refreshments will be provided in the Community Centre and there will be a display of photographs covering many aspects and many generations of parish life. This will be followed by the launch of a commemorative book, All Saints Church, Killasser 1868-2018, A Parish and its People. Everybody is invited to attend and will be very welcome to the Mass and the celebration afterwards.
Down Memory Lane
On the evening of Saturday 3 November, a pageant will be staged in Killasser Community Centre at 8pm which will tell of the main events in the life of the parish over the past 150 years. The story will be told through music, song, dance and drama, interspersed with short narratives. There will be at least sixty people on stage, most of them local, providing a feast of entertainment, including lots of laughs. Don’t miss this fantastic night in Killasser. It will be one to remember.
Killasser Time Capsule
A Time Capsule will be buried in the grounds of Killasser Church after 11.30 Mass on Sunday 11 November. This will be the final event celebrating the 150th Jubilee of All Saints Church. Special packages are available after weekend Masses in the parish up to 28th October where you may place family memorabilia such as stories, letters, photographs etc. Each costs €2. This is a great way to have families remembered and is bound to generate interest and excitement in the parish when the capsule will be opened in 2048.