Culture Night
On Friday 18th September Swinford Cultural Centre hosted Culture Night.
Culture Night is an annual all island public event which celebrates culture, creativity & the arts.
In previous years the Michael Davitt Branch CCE hosted the evening however this year all the groups in the area joined forces to provide an evening of song, dance and recitation.
Opening up the programme of events were the Foxford Dancers who attended on behalf of Michael Davitt CCE. The group performed their Community Games Award winning production of a dance based on Clare Island, featuring Queen Grainne Mhaoil.
The act was written & choreographed by Edwina Guckian.
The night progressed with a fantastic array of talent.
Songs were performed by students of Scoil Muire & Padraig – Grace McDonnell, Sarah Toner, Tommy Stenson, Antoinette Peyton & Kaitlyn Walton.
Traditional music was provided by Meabh Hyland (Carramore NS), Joseph McNulty (Michael Davitt CCE), Katie O’Brien, Breege Gleeson, Grace McDonnell & Sarah Toner (all Scoil Muire & Padraig).
Classical performers were Avril Kneafsey & Rebecca Grady.
Poetry was recited by Verona McNulty (Michael Davitt CCE).
Different types of dancing was on display – Tommy & Claire Stenson engaged the crowd with the straw boys and sean nos dancing. Laura Cairns, Sarah Toner & David Friel (all Scoil Muire & Padraig) opened the second half of the night with a stunning performance of Irish dancing. The night closed on a high with Charlotte Moore & Emma Coleman of ECM Dance with their students Emma, Molly, Klaudia, Rachel, Laura & Noemi performing hip hop and contemporary dance routines.
Group performances were given by Meelick NS with songs and tin whistle from 2nd & 6th class students. Midfield NS entertained with traditional music & song. The Trad Group from Scoil Muire & Padraig was made up of Grainne Gleeson, Avril Kneafsey, Louise McNicholas, Tommy Stenson, Grace McDonnell, Katie O’Brien, Sarah Toner, Breege Gleeson & Antoinette Peyton.
The organisers sincerely thank everyone who participated in the celebration of Culture Night.
Thank you to the schools & the Comholtas branch for their co-operation & dedication. It is greatly appreciated that such effort went into the occasion especially so close to the beginning of the academic year.
Thank you to the parents for taking the time to bring the children into the event and of course thank you to the wonderful audience who supported the occasion.