Culmore National School Fundraising Events
Donations required for Car Boot/Jumble Sale
Everyone has some items in their home that are not being used anymore and if you are anything like me, I’m sure you have been meaning to have a big clear out but just haven’t got round to it. Well, now is the perfect time for you to get rid of those items and help a local school in the process.
Culmore National School will be holding a Car Boot/Jumble Sale on Sunday 19th October in the Cultural Centre, Swinford. Prior to that, The event organisers are currently looking for donations of items to sell on the day. They are especially looking for good condition items such as CD’s, books, DVD’s, jewellery, handbags, hats, shoes, lamps, bric-a-brac and children’s toys etc.
The school will be open on the following days for you to drop off any items that you would like to donate -:
Friday 10th October : 10am to 4pm
Saturday 11th October : 11am to 1pm
If you wish to contact the school for further information, please call 094-9252038
Sponsor a runner in the Oxford Half Marathon for Culmore NS
Jacqueline Duffy, Cullane, now living in London is running the Oxford Half Marathon on Sunday 12th October, in order to raise money for Culmore National School.
The school had their computers stolen in a burglary and her fundraising is going towards replacing them. Any additional funds raised over her target will go towards upgrading and purchasing other school essentials.
Jacqueline has lived in London for over 25 years now but is a regular visitor home. She went to Culmore National School herself as did her brothers and sisters and currently two of her nieces attend the school. This month is also the 10th anniversary of the death of her father, John Duffy, so to celebrate her fathers memory and her family’s connection with the school, all the funds she raises will be donated to the school in his name.
Below is a link to her fundraising page for you to have a look at, and where you can donate if you so wish to do so -: